Top Posts Tagged with #he is so ready to knock over all the valuables and run from room to room body slamming ghosts | Tumlook (2024)


Jun 29, 2023

Cat Mario go 'brrrrrrrrrrr' for your desktop

Don’t mind me I’m just SOBBING MY HEART OUT.


#suedoodle#I CANNOT EVEN#thank you so much you wonderful wonderful person#thank you for bringing such joy in everything you do#JUST#pure unadulterated joy#is stored in the tiny vibrating cat Mario#I LOVE HIM 😭😭😭😭😭#He is so ready to knock over all the valuables and run from room to room body slamming ghosts


May 9, 2023

Poisoned Truth

Loki x female reader

Triggers - smut, 18+, mild angst

Description - hydra had poisoned the team with a love drug. What will you do when you’re the only one without a lover?


You were screwed. No two ways about it. Death was coming for you. The irony in that phrase.

A simple mission with the Avengers turned out to be a trap set by Hydra. Tony, Nat, Clint and you headed over to a warehouse thinking you would be collecting some valuable intel on the latest leader to step up in Hydra. It was too late when Tony detected the gas in the building, you were all infected.

The flight back in the jet was spent scanning, researching, testing everything possible to work out what they had poisoned you with, but 5 minutes in to the flight you were starting to realise.

Tony was desperate to get to Pepper, Nat to Bruce, and Clint to his wife. Desperate with need. Overwhelming, soul crushing need. From the little Tony could gather the Hydra drug would drive them to madness, boil them from the inside out unless they found their completion with the one they love.

Hydra were placing their bets on no Avenger being able to find true love. They would lose that bet, for the most part.

You however? Agent y/n l/n? You had no such love. Not that anyone knew anyway. You made it back to the tower, the others running to their loved ones for some life saving alone time. You slowly stumbled back to your room, a thin veil of sweat starting to cover your body. Alone.

You closed the door to your room and sank down to the floor. A weird kind of acceptance seeping in to your brain. So this is how it would end. Thwarted by the one enemy you could never defeat, love and org*sms. How poetic. You weren’t a virgin, you’d had your share of partners, but every one a disappointment. No man had ever taken the time to learn your body, to relish in your pleasure instead of their own. You’d never known pleasure from another.

An ache in your core starter and your mind drifted to the man you had dared to hope would have changed that. A secret hope he could never know of. He, a God, could never lower himself to the standards of a mortal. Sure you spent most of your free time together. Reading, playing tricks on each other to pass the time. You were one of the few to get him to open up and on some occasions, laugh. But he was also quick to tell you of his lineage, his power, his birthright.

You were just y/n. A basic mortal with some killer fighting skills. Nothing more.

A knock on your door had you jumping and groaning at the same time as the heat flared in your body.

“Agent?” Loki called “agent you need to let me in”

“Go away Loki, you can’t be near me. You can’t see this. It’s fine just go” you replied. Keeping your voice as flat as possible in the hope he wouldn’t care enough to stay.

“We both know that’s not true. I’ve seen, and heard the other return. I know something is very wrong now let me in” Loki sounded aggravated. So he wanted to know what happened, good for him, he can read about it later you thought.

Shivers were starting to run down your spine. His proximity not helping your situation. You may not be ready to admit your feelings for the god, but clearly your body knew. It was getting harder to form coherent thoughts so you didn’t bother to respond to him. Resting your head back on the door you closed your eyes as pain started to deep in to your limbs.

“Agent!” An urgent voice right in front of you. You open your eyes to see Loki knelt in front of you, his eyes taking in the sight of you. Dazed, hot, your breathing increased.

“How, how are you here Loki?” Tony restricted his magic in the compound while he earned his place in society.

“My dear y/n. If you think there is anywhere in the nine realms I couldn’t reach to get to you, you are so very mistaken” he reached a hand forward to cup your face.

“NO!” You shot up and tried to back across your room, anywhere to get some distance from him. His proximity was sending your body into overdrive. Your mind couldn’t comprehend his words. Was this the drug? Making you see and hear things? “Loki you can’t be here. The mission went wrong. Hydra, drugged us. It’s bad. I can’t… you can’t…” your eyes fluttered and your legs faltered as a wave of heat came from your core.

In a second Loki was beside you, catching you as you fell. You cried out as his body made contact with yours. Part pain, part desperate need. Loki couldn’t wait any longer, his palm touched your forehead and he dove in to your memories. A sigh escaped him as he realised why you were trying to escape him.

“Y/n, I am here. You have nothing to fear. It would be my honour to stay with you, foolish mortal” a smile tugged his lips “I will not stop until you are cured, and I can’t guarantee I will after that either”

Your eyes fluttered open as you tried to take in his words. “I…” that was all he allowed before his lips crashed in to yours. I’m an instant heat burned through you with the power of a thousand suns. No pain, just need and fulfilment. This is what you needed. He is what you needed.

A moan escaped your lips as fingers caress your scalp, tugging your head to align you more perfectly with his mouth. His sinful, achingly beautiful mouth. You could come apart right now. A tiny voice in the back of your barely functioning mind started to whisper dark thoughts, telling you this wouldn’t work. No one else has managed to pleasure you fully, you’re broken.

Loki couldn’t sense your hesitation. He needed to silence it. After months of yearning, never daring to risk their treasured friendship, he finally had you. Upon seeing the state of the other avengers on their return he knew he had to find you. He couldn’t lose you.

His mouth left yours and blazed a trail down your neck, stopping to nip and suck at your pulse point, pulling a ragged moan from your throat and silencing all voices in your head. Your fingers dove in to his hair and pulled him closer. Still half collapsed in to each other on the floor he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and ground in to him as moans spilled from your lips. Loki intended to lay you on the bed but it was too much for him. He slammed you in to the wall, teeth latching on to your neck as his hand found your hardened nipple beneath your suit and rolled it between his thumb and finger.

You cried out, core tightening as you felt yourself close to cumming already. Gods how you wanted him, needed him. You had never felt like this before. He groaned as his hips rocked in to you. “Gods y/n, you feel perfect against me. I need to touch every part of you, taste all of you” with a wave of his hand your clothes melted from your body. “Perfection” he said as he looked down at you, still wrapped round his waist. Your head back and eyes closed in pure bliss. The pink tint to your skin brought him back to reality, he needed to save you.

His hands gripped you tightly as he spun round and placed you on the edge of the bed. With no time to think about your new position he dove between your thighs, mouth latching on to your cl*t and sucking hard. The force of it slammed in to your nerves and had you screaming out, back arched in pure pleasure. You had never felt anything close to this before, even from your own hands. His attack on your cl*t didn’t let up as he slid 2 fingers into your puss*, curling to find your spot and pumping relentlessly. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breath, not enough air in your lungs to even scream out as an org*sm ripped through your body with enough force to bend your backwards.

When you finally came down you gasped for air. Your foggy brain trying to work out what happened, how it happened. Blinking back to reality you looked down at Loki still sat between your legs looking at you with awe in his eyes.

“How… how did you do that? Is it the drug?” You asked.

He looked at you confused. “I’m unsure what you mean Y/n. Has no one done this to you before?”.

You shook your head. “Not like that, no one’s ever made me cum Loki” you looked away and started to try to cover yourself from embarrassment. He took your hands to stop you. As he did another wave of heat started to build, the drug wasn’t done with you yet. You whimpered and Loki realised your pain.

“Mortal men cannot comprehend the goddess that you are Agent. It seems you have been waiting for me for far too long…”. He climbed up your body, his hand sliding into your hair and…..

And I’m a really mean writer! Do I carry on?!

#loki laufeyson#loki#loki friggason#loki smut#loki odinson#loki x reader#loki god of mischief#smut#love potion


Oct 9, 2023

RED-HANDED: Gyutaro x reader - College!AU (part 1)

CWs -> surprise! It’s pervy!Gyutaro, femdom reader, masturbation, degradation, spit play, public sex, slapping (only once and he likes it), calling Gyu a good boy, he’s pathetic and I love him

Note: Does this count as Kinktober? I really wanted to participate this month but I’m an engineering student in college, so enough said. I’ll make part two likeeeee whenever I feel like it. Pls lmk what u think!!!! <3

word count: 3k

It was Gyutaro’s turn to host the study session. All day he had been running around, cleaning his dorm room to eliminate anything potentially embarrassing. He’d never had a girl over before, let alone a girl like you, and he might have been overthinking it a little. Would you be turned off by the socks his roommate had left lying around? What about the smell? Should he hide the protein powder? He had such a big, fat crush on you, and every time he thought about the two of you spending time alone together, the intrusive thoughts would beat out the rational thoughts. In no time at all, he’d be succumbing to his sexual fantasies, fisting his co*ck desperately to images of you and trying to rid his mind of them to no avail. How was he going to survive a night of your undivided attention?

Originally, it wasn’t supposed to be a one-on-one thing. Every Tuesday, a different friend from the group hosted a late-night study session at their dorm, and everyone except Gyutaro had already volunteered. He couldn't avoid it any longer; he was doomed. It was supposed to be you, your best friend, his roommate, Gyutaro, and Gyutaro’s roommate, but everyone got frat flu the previous weekend and had to take a rain check. Even Gyutaro’s own roommate couldn’t make it, deciding to go home for the rest of the week and recover. So, everyone had canceled. That is, everyone except you and Gyutaro. He was thinking of just calling the whole thing off after that, secretly relieved to avoid having people over his place for a little longer, but you wouldn’t hear of it. Your midterm was on Thursday, and you couldn’t lose a valuable study session.

It was already 7:50 pm– 10 minutes before you were scheduled to arrive– and he was taking care of some last-minute, anxiety-fueled cleaning. The bed was already made, the garbage had been taken out, all his laundry was clean and neatly folded away, and his desk was set up for a long night of studying. He had even sprayed a few bursts of his roommate’s air freshener, making the whole place stink of “fresh morning dew,” whatever that was. In those last 10 minutes before your arrival, Gyutaro even found himself practicing basic hygiene– something a bit out of the ordinary for him. He brushed his teeth and tongue vigorously until his gums bled, washed his face, applied an extra layer of deodorant, and re-did the bun his hair had been rotting in all day. Now, he was ready.

At precisely 8:01 pm, he heard a knock at the door, and sprang to his feet as if the chair he had been sitting on was on fire. He had been staring off into space and nervously tapping his foot in anticipation, wringing his hands and chewing at his lip and fighting back dirty thoughts about what you might be wearing, and before he knew it, the time had come. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Evening, Gyutaro,” you said, half-smiling and leaning to the left under the weight of the heavy bag that was slung over your shoulder. As usual, you were well-dressed, sporting a white button-down, brown blazer, and a pair of blue jeans that fit you perfectly. He tried not to stare, but the top two buttons of your shirt had come undone, and he couldn’t help but notice how exposed your cleavage was. He gulped. This was going to be a long, long night.

“C-come in, make yourself comfortable. You can sit wherever you want,” he said, grinning nervously, stepping to the side and holding the door open to allow you entry. You nodded and brushed past him, your clothed shoulder grazing him gently. He shivered, hoping you wouldn’t notice. As soon as you entered the room, you made a b-line for Gyutaro’s bed, thrusting your bag onto it and plopping down unceremoniously on your back. You let out a sigh. The day had been stressful, and you wanted so badly to relax and release some tension, but there was work to be done.

After lying down for a few seconds to decompress, you noticed that it was oddly silent and sat up, half expecting Gyutaro to have joined you on the bed by now. But Gyutaro hadn’t moved from the doorway. He was still standing there, slack-jawed and staring. He couldn’t believe a girl was in his bed– you were in his bed– and she was there of her own free will. You had wanted to come, asking him not to cancel, and you had chosen his bed as the place to spend the evening. Not the desk and chair, not the floor, not the couch, but his bed. He gulped. He had imagined this many times before, and seeing you like that caused a specific few images to flash across his mind. His co*ck twitched. You were staring back at him.

“Gyu? Are you coming?” You asked, raising an eyebrow and readjusting yourself so there was room for him to sit next to you. He quickly shook himself out of his stupor and closed the door, walking awkwardly over to join you, hoping that if he put his hands in the pockets of his shorts you wouldn’t notice the growing bulge underneath them. When he reached the bed, he leaned his hips against the edge of it and crossed his arms, attempting to conceal his embarrassment. If you had noticed, you showed no signs of it, just crossing your legs and getting a little bit more comfortable.

“So, um… What subject did you want to study? Maybe we could work through some textbook problems together, or…” he trailed off, his eyes darting around and landing anywhere but you.

“Sure, sounds good. Hey, it’s hot in here, do you have a fan or something?” you asked, looking around and fanning yourself with your hand. Gyutaro frowned deeply and shook his head, suddenly feeling like a complete failure for not being able to provide you comfort.

“I’m sorry, I don’t. Maybe I could open a window?” he offered, gesturing to the pathetically small window on the other side of the room.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’ll improvise,” you replied. He was about to ask what you meant, but stopped short when your hands flew to your button-down shirt, undoing two more buttons from the top like it was nothing.

“Wh-what are you d-doing?!” He stuttered, looking away from you and at the wall instead to try and distract his racing thoughts. Even though he tore his gaze away as soon as he realized what you were doing, he still couldn’t help but see the very top rim of your nude-colored bra poking out from your shirt teasingly. Not to mention the swell of your plump breasts. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to calm himself down and stop his now fully erect co*ck from getting any bigger.

“Gyutaro? What’s wrong, are you okay?” You purred, leaning down so you were face-to-face. He opened his eyes. That was a mistake. From the way you were sitting, he had a perfectly unobstructed view of your cleavage, which was spilling out of your bra and unbuttoned shirt. He guessed that your nipples were just below where the fabric began. His eyes widened, and a jolt of electricity was sent straight to his co*ck, which was straining desperately against the side of the bed. He let out a tiny, almost inaudible whimper, but due to your proximity, it was not lost on you. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, asking again if everything was ok, but there was a teasing undertone to your voice and a glint in your eyes that he hadn’t noticed before. Were you really…doing this on purpose?

“Uhm, don’t you think you sh-should, you know, b-button your shirt back up a…a little more?” he stammered, face flushed so red that he looked almost feverish. His eyes were still wide, and absolutely glued to your tit*, like he was in a trance.

“Why? You don’t think I look pretty like this?” you teased, leaning forward even more and trailing your hand from his bony shoulder down to his bicep, which was, admittedly, larger than you’d anticipated. You wondered if anything else about him was larger than you’d anticipated…

“N-no! I mean, no, it’s not that! You…hah…look…” he rasped, not even able to form a complete sentence. He was no idiot. He knew what you were doing, playing with him like that. He knew you didn’t have any real interest in him, that you just wanted some easy attention from a pathetic virgin who would drool over anything with a cup size. It hurt, knowing that, and he didn’t want it to be that way. But just as much as that was true, he also wanted to know what it would feel like. Would it be as good as he imagined, cupping your heavy tit* in his ugly, rough hands and running his thumbs over your sensitive nipples? Would you arch into his touch, begging for more?

Before you could even react, he was out the door, disappearing down the hallway towards the men’s room. You could only guess what he intended to do there. Probably cry, you assumed, having seen the expression on his face before he left. Instead of following him, you decided to give him a minute, hoping he’d come back before too long.

Meanwhile, Gyutaro knew what he had to do. He had to get rid of these feelings, get it out of his system once and for all. Thankfully, the bathroom was deserted and he had the luxury of solitude. He hoped he could get it done quickly before someone interrupted.

Gyutaro locked himself in a stall and pulled his pants down feverishly, finally freeing his throbbing co*ck and taking it expertly into his big hand. He wasted no time, pumping his fist up and down to the image of your tit* in his face, imagining what it would be like to touch them, to take them in his mouth and suck them until they were black and blue. Before long, his head was thrown back and he was letting out soft, desperate pants. In fact, he was so enraptured in his fantasy that he didn’t notice when someone else entered the bathroom.

You had decidedly waited for him long enough, and went to go check to make sure he really was ok, but this was not what you were expecting to find. When you quietly opened the door, you were about to whisper his name when you noticed the wet slapping sound and choked-back moans coming from the first stall. You peered under the door and sure enough, your eyes were met with the sight of Gyutaro’s bottom half, shorts pooled around his ankles and legs shaking. You grinned. This was even better than you had hoped. Did that little trick you pulled really affect him this much?

“Gyuuu~ it’s just me! Open the door,” you said gently, hoping your sweet tone would lull him into a false sense of security. Suddenly, he went silent, freezing with his fist squeezing his co*ck. Panic seized him, and he was silent for a moment.

“Uh! Uhhh, h-how did you g-get in here?” he choked out, not knowing what else to say.

“Walked. C’mon, open up. Wanna see you,” you replied, now standing directly in front of his stall’s door. He hesitated for a moment, but soon made up his mind; he didn’t care anymore, he couldn’t stand it any longer and he wanted you to use him. He scrambled to quickly pull up his shorts and underwear, not even bothering to retie the drawstring, and opened the door hastily. His face was burning with shame, his eyes downcast, and his hair disheveled. To you, he had never looked more delicious.

“What are you doing?” you asked, taking a step towards him, forcing him to take a step back.

“Using the bathroom…” he lied, stuffing his hands back in his pockets again to try and hide his erection. Unfortunately for him, all it did was draw your attention downwards.

“You don’t have to hide it, Gyu. I already know. Why do you think I came tonight in the first place?” you asked, not even trying to hide the fact that you were eyeing his bulge hungrily.


“Now keep going,” you ordered, and Gyutaro’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He didn’t move.

“I said,” you began, grabbing his chin between your thumb and index finger, “Keep. Going.”

He whimpered, biting his lip, but obediently dropped his pants and underwear back down to his ankles and released his dick, the tip of which was bright red and slathered with precum. You moved your hand from his chin to his shoulder and pressed down, forcing him to sit back on the toilet. Now, you were standing above him, looking down with a perfect view. You looked at him expectantly, and slowly, he brought a shaking hand down to his shaft, gingerly engulfing it in his hand and giving it a few weak pumps. You shook your head disapprovingly, frowning at him. His eyes widened.

“This won’t do. You need…extra encouragement. Open your mouth,” you instructed.

“Why?” he asked demurely, but did as you asked. You didn’t answer verbally, instead choosing to show him why.

You pressed your thumb past his lips and onto the middle of his tongue, and his reaction was almost immediate. He stuck his tongue out more to accommodate your finger, eyes half-lidded and gazing up at you with…love? Lust? It was impossible to distinguish between the two when it came to him. Without a second thought, he resumed stroking his dick at the same pace as before, his body seemingly acting with a mind of its own. You smiled, pressing down harder on his tongue. His brows furrowed and a string of saliva dripped out of the corner of his mouth, falling past his chin and onto the floor. He let out a pathetic, strangled sort of sound, breathy and high-pitched, and you giggled. He was even better than you had imagined.

“Wowww, what a good boy!” you praised.

“Do you think you can take another one of my fingers?”

“Uh-huh! Eea, I eeea!” he tried to say, coming across as incoherent, but you got the message loud and clear. You smiled down at him lovingly and swapped your thumb for your index and middle fingers, which were obviously longer and grazed the back of his throat. Immediately, he gagged, his eyes involuntarily screwing shut, tears pricking their corners, but you didn’t relent. He would adjust.

“Come on, you can take it,” you crooned, thrusting your digits even further back into his soft, wet throat. He gagged again and bit down, catching your knuckles between his jagged teeth. He hadn’t bitten you very hard, but still, the sting of your skin breaking slightly was enough.

Without warning, you slapped him across the face with the palm of your other hand, making him yelp and accidentally squeeze his co*ck a little tighter. The sound echoed throughout the bathroom, ringing in the silence. He was shocked, even a little scared, but for some reason, it was affecting him heavily. After hesitating only for a brief second, he started pumping himself desperately, even faster than before, feeling like all the blood in his entire body had rushed to his co*ck at once the second your palm made contact with his cheek. You grinned. You knew it, you just knew it. You had a feeling he would like that. It was a risky move, but one you were glad you made. He let out another moan, the first real unrestrained one you had heard from him. The vibrations made your fingers tingle.

“Mmm, good boy, you’re being such a good boy for me, Gyu. Bet you’re getting close now, aren’t you?” you asked, removing your fingers from his mouth and allowing him to answer properly.

“Y-yes!” he breathed, “‘m getting so close, ‘m gonna cum soon! Please, c’n I cum?” he begged, tear-filled eyes gazing up at you in absolute desperation. And how could you say no to that?

“In a second. Stick out your tongue.”

He did, closing his eyes, eagerly ready to accept whatever you would give him, but nothing could have prepared him.

You leaned down close and spit in his mouth.

Immediately, he came.

“Ngh- Ahh! Huh- ah- ah- mmh!” he whined, voice breaking as the thick, white liquid shot violently out of his aching dick, covering his hand, your shirt, and part of his own shirt in globs of it. He worked himself through it, a few more spurts bubbling out from his tip and leaking down the shaft. There was so much of it, you knew he was holding it in for so long because of you. His thighs shook from the aftershock, and his chest heaved, he was so f*cked out. You wanted so badly to just take off your panties and sink down onto his glistening length, sheathing him inside your already soaking, tight puss* to hear him whine that it was too much, but that would have to wait for another time. Maybe a time when you weren’t in a public restroom.

“Clean yourself up and meet me back in your room. There’s something else I want to try.”

With that, you left him sitting there, co*ck in hand, covered in his own hot cum and wondering if it had all just been a dream.

(pt. 2)


tag list: @sanemisstalker @vampcubus @flametrashira

ermmmmm idk how tagging ppl works but if I tagged u it’s cause I want u to read this sh*t but no pressure :-)

#idk what this is#there will be a part two#gyutaro x reader#gyutaro smut#demon slayer smut#demon slayer x reader#kinktober 2023#dom!reader


Feb 6, 2022

I Say No

Pairing: Mob!Bucky x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 4.2K

Summary: You're forced to learn a valuable lesson, one that will prove your love and allow you to take your right place at Bucky's side

Warnings: 18+ MDI. Contains smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), pet names (reader is known as Peach), a clear power dynamic, murder, death, mentions of violence and drugs, graphic depictions of blood.

This is quite dark so please don't read if you find any of the above triggering.

If you enjoyed this fic please reblog to share with your followers!

Dividers by @firefly-graphics

Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist

Two years; that’s how long you’d been working for Bucky Barnes, and so far you’d managed to avoid killing anyone. You hadn’t meant to fall in with the ruthlessly dangerous mobster, you were simply looking for a bartending job so that you could make your rent payments and work out what you wanted to do with your life.

Bucky had been sweet on you from the moment you walked through the door, he fell for you instantly and offered you a job. Your job had started out completely above board, but you weren’t stupid you knew there were dodgy dealings moving through the club at all hours of the day.

You fully intended to remain on the outskirts of it all, but then your roommate moved out and your rent doubled. You were desperate, on the verge of being kicked out and Bucky was there like a knight in shining armour and helped you step down into the darker sides of his business.

You continued to bartend, but you were given a new position at his more elite clubs down near the docks and from then on assisted Sam with overseeing late night shipments.

Bucky played the long game with you, he let you choose the shifts you worked and then made a conscious effort to organise his business meetings during those times.

You’d gotten so used to seeing him everyday that you found yourself missing him when he wasn’t around. You spent every spare moment you had in his office, always waiting for the moment he told you to go back to work. He never did, he couldn’t say no to you.

He let you do as you pleased, he watched with cautious eyes as your curiosity about his work, his life, and him grew with each day you spent by his side.

And every day he allowed you to see more and more. You met the men he did his business with, you joined the meetings. You watched as he and his best men brutally persuaded people into sharing their darkest secrets. He asked you to coordinate the drug runs and shipments.

And when none of those things scared you away, he gave you your own protection detail. Steve remained by your side on the days that Bucky wasn’t able to watch over you.

He did everything he could in the hopes that when you were ready you’d be his queen. He gave you everything and in return you did too; your mind, your body, your heart, it all belonged to him.

Despite moving up the ranks, you enjoyed working behind the bar. It kept your feet planted somewhat on the ground as you fell hard and fast for Brooklyn’s most viscous, feared man.

Bucky was more than happy to provide you your freedom, but at his core he was a very jealous man. He hated the way the regulars sized you up from the other side of the bar as you offered them that innocent little smile of yours. He knew you meant no harm, but he thought it was best to stamp out any ideas of other men before you got too comfortable. He’d been burned by that in the past.

A soft knock at your bedroom door pulled you from the depths of your mind as you wandered out of the shower.

Steve poked his head through the door, averting his gaze from your towel covered body. “Sorry, I'll give you a minute.” He muttered, pulling his head from the gap.

Once you’d dressed, you opened the door and allowed Steve to enter the room. “What’s up?”

“Boss needs you down in the Cellar,” he muttered, unable to meet your curious eyes. “And he said dress nicely.” Steve stuttered over the last few words, his cheeks dusted rosy pink.

Your stomach dropped, but you managed to keep the fear that sunk into your bones hidden from your face. “I’ll be ready in 20.” You nodded and Steve closed the door without another word exchanged.

The Cellar was Bucky’s own personal deathrow; it was infamous throughout Brooklynn. Being summoned down there couldn’t mean anything good, you could only pray that Bucky wasn’t planning on having you killed tonight.

When you thought back through the last week, you couldn’t recall upsetting Bucky at any point. In fact, this morning he’d looked particularly chipper as he left you wrapped up in his sheets, the effects of the night before still lingering in your tired muscles.

Maybe you weren’t attending your own funeral, but you weren’t going to a party that was certain.

You travelled in total silence with Steve, the whole way over, carefully peering up at him with wanton curiosity willing him to give something away without you needing to ask. Your lips remained tightly sealed, you couldn’t ask him.

He’d never tell you what was going on, even if he knew. He was too loyal to Bucky, as were you.

You’d heard the rumours surrounding the Cellar, but it was way worse than you’d imagined. Think of the worst prison conditions you possibly could, then times it by a trillion and you’re still nowhere near.

It was a solid grey, tin unit that sat hidden amongst the trees just outside of Bucky’s borders. The grey clouds threatened to open up and release its heavy hearted tension all over Bucky’s land, seemed to mimic the tortured sadness of the hallway you followed Steve down.

The stench of blood, sh*t and piss stung the insides of your nostrils, it forced a lump into your throat, your dinner daring to make another appearance on the concrete floor.

You ignored the loud groans, the scared pleads, the ugly prayers that followed behind you like a swan song.

Steve pressed a few buttons and gut wrenching buzz tore through the thick air. You followed him into the room, your eyes found Bucky’s broad form immediately as he muttered quietly to Sam.

Your presence was noticed by both men immediately, Sam nodded to you, a vacant expression on his face as he passed by you. Bucky turned to you, dressed in his signature all suit and smiled at you as though you’d hung the moon, there was a subtle hint of crazy burning in the depths of his pupils.

“Hi my little Peach.” He sent a toothy grin in your direction as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his warm body.

Your stiff muscles relaxed under his touch, you lent into the warmth of his body and nestled your head into his chest. You muttered a quiet hello into the fabric of his white shirt as his hand stroked the back of your head.

A pained groan erupted from behind Bucky and he smiled, placing a kiss to your forehead. “Ahh looks like our little friend has finally woken up.”

You poked your head around Bucky’s body, eyes settling on the body of a young man tied up on the floor, groaning softly against the black fabric that encased his head.

“James.” You muttered, your eyes locking onto his grinning face. “What’s going on?”

“We’re having a celebration tonight, Peach but first a little initiation task.” He hissed, the madened look on his face grew darker with every second.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’ve been working for me for two years now and I’m so grateful for all your hard work.” He mused, his hands encased yours, holding them tightly against his chest. “You’ve definitely softed this old frost giant’s heart, but I need to make sure you’re all in, Peach.”

Bucky dropped your hands suddenly and circled your body like a vulture. His head dipped into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent, “I just need to make sure you’re all in, one little task to complete and you’ll be trusted completely. You can become my Queen.”

His hand found the small of your back and pushed you forwards, directly under the only light in the room. The white light was blinding, it flooded your vision and blurred out everything in the room. The only thing you could feel was Bucky’s presence looming behind you.

“Sam.” Bucky barked gently, his hands wrapped firmly around your forearms. You merely saw the shape of Sam’s body removing the black hood from the man on the ground as your eyes adjusted.

Both you and the prisoner gasped as your eyes met. It was Peter Parker.

A regular at the club and a loyal customer to Bucky’s empire; you’d become well acquainted with one another in the recent months. He often sat at the bar and kept you company whilst you served the less pleasant regulars that inhabited the bar.

He wasn’t a bad person, just a kid who got mixed up in some bad men’s business at much too young an age.

“Wh-wha-what’s going on Mr. B-b-barnes.” Peter stuttered out through his chattering team, his curly brown hair matted against his forehead.

Bucky ignored Peter’s question, his lips connecting to your neck. He peppered light kisses along your skin until his lips ghosted the shell of your ear. “Now Peach, you know Peter quite well don’t ya?”

You nodded, a shiver ran down your spine, your body vibrated with quiet anxiety. “Been spending a fair amount of time talkin’ late into the night, from what I hear.”

Peter’s desperate eyes flickered around the room, landing on each of the four faces that towered over him. Your eyes were the only set of eight that showed any signs of care, regret, sadness.

“He’s just been keeping me company, keeping the worst of the clientele at bay while I work.” You couldn’t hide the panic in your voice. You’d put the pieces together, you knew what was being asked of you.

His hand wrapped around your neck, pulling you flush against his body, the cool metal of his silver rings burned your skin. “You have Steve for that, you don’t need low lifes addicted to Oxy to keep you company.” He seethed, little beads of spit flew from his mouth, landed in the curve of your neck.

He pushed your body away from him and you stumbled forwards, forcing your eyeline down to Peter. “I’m so sorry.” You cried, soft tears slipped from your regretful eyes.

You heard the safety click, felt the cool metal against the back of your neck and released a shaky breath as you straightened your spine. You turned slowly, eyes meeting the barrel of his gun.

A sad*stic laugh rippled from Bucky's bulky chest and he turned the gun, offering you the handle. “Kill him.” He ordered, the light in his eyes died as the order rolled off his tongue easily.

“I can’t.” You replied instinctively. Bucky pushed the gun into your palm, stepping forwards until your space was consumed by him.

“Kill him.” He repeated, slower this time, forcing the words into your ears with harsher annunciation. “It’s an order.”

Tentatively, your fingers wrapped around the handle. Your feet remained firmly in their position, you stared up at Bucky gormlessly and waited for the other shoe in this cruel joke to drop.

Your eyes left him, flitting from Sam and then to Steve but neither of them dared to look at you, they stared straight over your head. They were here for one reason and one alone, to guard the only entrance and exit to the room.

The room felt small, their presence clogged up the room. The act of killing your first mostly innocent person felt like far too intimate an action for them to be a part of. But that wasn’t your choice to make and if you were being honest this wasn’t the first time they’d been privy to your intimate moments with Bucky.

“No.” You spoke more firmly as the gun shook in your trembling hands.

Bucky pulled a second gun from his belt and he held it to your forehead for a beat, allowing the anticipation build. He was nothing, if not theatrical when it came to intimidation tactics.

You knew he’d never be the one to pull the trigger on you, you knew that deep down. He wouldn’t break his own heart so wretchedly, no he’d leave that up to Steve.

He shifted the gun down along the side of your face, grazing your cheek roughly, residue from the barrel streaked down your cheek. “You wanted to be a part of this life, well this is the cost, Peach.” He tilted the gun under your chin forcing your head and eyes upwards, “now do as you're told and kill the junkie.”

Fresh tears glistened in your eyes as you glared up at the monster you were madly in love with. You’d never been on the receiving end of his savage behaviour, it was a hard shock to your nervous system; like having ice cold water thrown on you while you were sleeping.

“Okay.” You whispered as a lone tear trickled down your cheek. With a heavy sigh, you turned away from him and his henchmen. You held the gun out in front of you, aiming at Peter’s head. Time slowed to a stop, your arms wavered under the weight of the hand gun.

Nothing could prepare you for the moment you’re staring down the barrel of a gun. The fear is paralysing, it can turn even the most dangerous of men and women into blubbering, begging messes.

Peter had become that very mess before you, tears streamed down his red puffy face. His eyelashes stuck to his wet cheeks as he begged for mercy. Your name rolled off his tongue desperately like a chant you were certain would haunt your dreams for the rest of your life.

No one ever speaks about the first time you have to take a life, not amongst the mafia at least. You just get used to it. That’s the only advice you’d ever received from the more experienced men.

But you understood it now, you knew why no one said more than that, because the stunning realisation that you held someone’s life in your very shaky hands brough pure clarity.

The mix of power, guilt, fear tumbled through your body like a tsunami. You got it, that overwhelming feeling was completely indescribable.

Your chest rose and fell at an alarmingly fast rate, your body vibrated with adrenaline. Your finger danced over the trigger, teasing the gun and Peter with a few almost moments.

“Peach.” Bucky dragged out the one word syllable from behind you. The dark tone acted as an alarm bell, a serious warning. You were taking too long and he was growing impatient.

It was now or never.

You pulled your finger back against the trigger and the bullet shot from the gun. It flew through the air at lightning speed, piercing Peter’s forehead, it lodged itself in his brain and the life left his body. Blood splattered from the wound and covered your hands and cheeks, a harsh reminder of how close you stood to the man you’d killed.

A pained cry rippled through your chest, releasing the pain you felt for the limp body sprawled beneath your feet. The weight of the gun became too heavy and it fell to the floor with a harsh clatter.

Your body imitated the gun, falling slack with exhaustion and fear, but Bucky’s strong arms wrapped around you before you hit the floor. His arm snaked around your stomach and he pressed your back to his chest.

He eased you to the floor, cradling your body in his arms as you weeped over the blood you’d spilled over the rat infested floor.

“Clean this up.” He grunted to Steve and Sam. Without question or hesitation they removed the body from the room, leaving you alone with Bucky.

“Shh, shh, shhh.” He muttered softly into your hairline. “First one’s always the worst, I promise it’ll get easier.” He whispered, placing gentle kisses to your head. “I’m so proud of you, my little Peach.”

He rocked your body back and forth, softly muttering sweet nothings into your ear as your mind slipped in and out of the room. His words provided a twisted sense of comfort, speaking words of love as your brain gave in to him.

The only words that prevailed in your mind as you slipped out of consciousness were his, you did Peach.

He was right, you had done it. You’d committed yourself to Bucky, in the darkest way possible.

You weren’t aware of how long you were out for, but when you awoke in Bucky’s bed immersed in the pitch black night you knew it hadn’t been a five minute nap.

The moonlight tried to punch its way through the closed curtains but it was a futile fight.

The plushy, soft duvet was pulled up to your chin, coating your bodies with a thick layer of comfort. Bucky’s metal fingertips traced soft patterns into your curled up thighs.

He hardly noticed the shift in your breathing or the slight twitch in your body. The signs he usually looked for to know whether you were awake or not.

No, he was too busy wrapped up in the pride that swelled in his chest. His pride for you.

“Did I dream all of that?” You uttered into the empty darkness, your voice soft and small, laced with evidence of yours and Peter’s fear.

“No, it was all real, Peach.” You heard his smile as his grip tightened on your body, firm enough to keep you from bolting out of the door.

His words erupted conflict inside your body, your stomach turned sickeningly, your head spun out of control, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. And yet, under all of that you felt his pride seeping into the cracks of your fear and you liked it. That’s the thing that scared you most.

“Why Peter?”

“Seemed like it would resonate more if it was someone you were familiar with. A real test of your loyalty to me.” He pressed his lips into the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of nips and licks in his wake.

Any positive feelings you had were immediately stamped out by his calculated candour. Anger pulsed through you, you never thought it was possible to hate Bucky, but he’d really proved you wrong. Despite all that anger though, your body betrayed you completely. You arched your back into him, stretching your neck and giving him more access to your exposed flesh.

“You’re despicable, James.” You gasped as his hands roamed your body with fervent want.

“You already knew that, Peach.” he muttered, taking your earlobe between his teeth and tugging. He rutted his hips into your ass, pushing his hardening length into you. “I thought you liked that about me.”

Lust clouded your mind, a desperate need for him took over inside you.

You reached back between your bodies and roughly palmed his covered length. Satisfaction bubbled in your chest as his hips chased your hand, it was empowering to know he was just as desperate for you as you were for him.

His hand ghosted over your core and a gasp left your lips. “Usually I do, just not when it’s directed at me.” You moaned breathlessly.

The anticipation boiled over for Bucky, his fingers gripped the silky fabric of your nightie and ripped it from your body. He pulled the tatters of fabric from your body and pushed your naked body down into the soft mattress.

He removed his boxers in a similar fashion, with antsy haste and crawled up behind you. He left a trail of wet kisses along your spine, his hands gripped your hips and pulled your ass into the air so that your heat was inches from his face. His eyes burned with lust as the way your back curved for him.

The rough pads of his fingers caressed your thighs, he slowly ran them through your folds, groaning as he gathered your slick and spread it over your puss*.

“Tonight, you were taught the very same lesson my father bestowed upon me when I was initiated.” He growled, bringing his soaked fingers to his mouth as lapping up your juices. “Always be prepared for the deaths that will hurt the most. That’s why you had to kill Peter.”

He plunged two fingers inside you, hitting deep and filling you up all the way, in a way only he could. You whined at the sudden, shock intrusion, but ground your hips slowly against his unmoving fingers as they stretched you. “You may hate me for it now, but trust me Peach it’s the only way you’ll learn.”

He slid his fingers back out and another incoherent moan tumbled from your lips at the empty feeling you had begging between your legs.

“Please.” You choked dumbly, wiggling your hips in face. You wanted more, more of his words and his touch. You wanted everything he could give you.

“I know baby, ‘m gonna make you feel better, promise.” He rubbed teasing circled over your cl*t as he brought his mouth to your core and his tongue delved into your slit lightly. His actions sent your senses into overdrive, your legs wobbled and Bucky steadied you with his other hand holding your stomach.

“You see, what I’m hoping is that this experience will harden the resilience I know you already have in you. It’ll make you the most ruthless Queen in the mob.”

You cried out willfully at his words, hating how he’d made you breathless with pleasure by barely touching you.

You couldn’t understand how someone could cause you so much pain and stir up the deepest pleasures inside of you all in one night; and quite frankly you couldn’t bring yourself to care. As long as he kept touching you.

His fingers continued to massage your sensitive pearl carefully. His knees shifted, shuffling forwards until his stiff co*ck lined up with you, the tip nudging against your entrance as it clenched desperately, waiting for him.

“Do you want that Peach? To be my Queen?” He asked regretfully, terrified of your answer. The hopefulness in his tone was unmissable, he couldn’t hide if he’d tried. He wanted you by his side, but it was pointless if you weren’t all in. He needed to hear you say the words.

That was all it took for him to sink his hips into yours, pushing his thick member into your tight walls, both of you moaned in unison, satisfaction filled the room.

“You feel like heaven, squeezing me so tightly.” He grunted as he pulled out and drove his hips back into you. He set a brutal pace that made your head spin delectably. You arched your back, pushing your ass back to meet his thrusts, allowing him to hit even deeper inside you.

“Oh f*ck.” You cried as his co*ck nudged your cervix. His hands roamed your body, feeling every part you know that you truly belonged to him.

“That’s it Peach, I’ve got you just enjoy how good I make you feel.” He moaned softly as a light sheen of sweat formed over his chest.

He wrapped one hand around your neck, the other fell between your shoulder blades and he raked his fingers down your back. He pulled you up from the mattress against his chest, your legs were spread either side of his knees.

“Yes.” You cried, “make me your Queen, James!”

He snaked his arm across your chest, holding you upright whilst he thrust his hips upwards at an agonisingly slower pace. The new position made you hit heights of pleasure you hadn’t imagined possible, you were so full and he was hitting that spongy spot deep inside you with every movement.

With the cold metal hand that held you up, he circled your taut nipple, rolling it between his fingertips, teasing your body. Whilst his other hand settled on your stomach and he pressed down, right where you could feel him hitting inside you with his length.

The feeling was completely overwhelming, forcing the coil inside you to wind up quickly. “James.” You screamed out as your body stiffened in his arms, your org*sm threatening to pull you under.

“That’s it Peach, tell the guards outside who’s making you feel this good.” He mumbled, applying more pressure to your tummy. His lips grazed your ear, his damp brown hair tickling the crook of your neck.

“You, James.” You chanted desperately as you placed your hand over his for support and grinded your hips into his and the coil finally snapped. You came with an almost painful moan, your walls clenching around his length as your body went limp in his grip for the second time that night.

“My little Peach.” He grunted with his final few pumps as he released his hot white seed deep inside your sensitive walls.

You both collapsed on the bed, too tired to speak, too tired to think. You allowed the exhaustion to pull you under its current once again.

“Goodnight, Peach.” Bucky muttered as he too fell into a deep sleep, hoping you’d still feel the same way tomorrow morning.

Tags: @elemenhoepe @theselilwonders @delaber @ramp-it-up @nikole-witha-k @harrysthiccthighss @mkirk12776 @rivers-rambles21 @scxrletrecsmarvel-deactivated20 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming

#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#sebastian stan#bucky x reader#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky x you#mob boss!bucky#mobster bucky#mob!au#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes fanfiction#mcu fic#summerofsnowflakesfics


Jun 20, 2023

You voted - Blacki fulfills a promise!📢

As soon as I finished my master's thesis, I immediately started writing this story. Oh, it's like a breath of fresh air!

Since Ao3 is blocked for me, I will post it here. There was a lot of text, so this is only the first part of the story. The continuation depends only on your interest (I still remember that 53 people voted for this fanfiction!😑😑😑)

Unfortunately, I'm not an artist, I'm a writer, so I can make a lot of letters✍

Enjoy your reading (very bad English)I'm sorry, but I'm not good at rhymes and children's fairy tales, so I had to improvise.

Heron and Frog.Part 1.

People in white coats – they remind me of chess, that they unceremoniously rush all over the board and do not follow the rules of the game. But I hate chess and I'm not going to become a figure of the opposite side. They quickly get used to permissiveness and therefore are horrified when I break the rules and shake their only support. White pawns fall, crushed, and meanwhile I run out of the playing field. I was driven by bitterness and a thirst for revenge, I didn't even stay to enjoy the torment of the Arkham staff. Now I have a specific goal and I can't delay, I can't waste the hourglass minutes. I can't let a Bat grab me or follow me around.

The night covered me, the darkness built an invisible path over the roofs of buildings, and the rain absorbed all sounds and thoroughly washed away my tracks. My previous plan was perfect and Batman couldn't find me. But at the very last moment he gave me away! Riddler... the keeper and trader of valuable information. This pathetic frog is constantly jumping from one bank to the other. Finds and sells information to us, but can also help the police and Batman. One thing unites everything – the inhabitants of both shores will break their heads from his riddles. And this is only part of the whole problem. While the Bat was breaking my bones under the guise of justice, someone stole two bottles of my toxin!

"The heron is very angry, the heron is very hungry. Chop-Chop. Hop-hop. Now I would like to eat a delicious frog." I fly between houses, sometimes knocking and scratching with my claws on window panes to wake up and scare sleeping people. The fear that disturbed sweet dreams gave me strength and gave free rein to fantasies. The distance between us was gradually shortening, as I knew the shortest way. A small amphibian got into the affairs of the bird and revealed all the secrets to the bat. Are you really so afraid of being eaten, Nigma? Well, you've made a big mistake and you're going to pay for it. If it weren't for the overly brazen theft of my creation by some petty bandits, then you would have a slim chance of staying alive…

That's an inconspicuous two-storey apartment, merging with the rest in the area, but it's not so easy to get here. The door is closed with several locks, and the bell is hidden in a recess in the wall. Only the right people know the password. But such security can at some point turn a cozy house into a death trap. He's there, in his nest, hidden in the thick grass and cattails. Thoughts of the frog, who suspects nothing and crawls in the soft vegetation, excited the appetite of the heron that swooped down to this swamp. I managed to open the closed window quickly and without making a sound and get into the thicket. Rainwater trickled down to the floor from the suit protecting me from the cold and getting wet. Steam was coming out of my mouth, my eyes were frantically searching for a small green body. The bed was empty and made up, everything was quiet and tidy in the kitchen and in the bathroom, every thing was in its place. Only the first floor remained, where his office and a small library-archive are located. Yes, in Arkham I studied the plan of this house every day and imagined what was in each room, what my target could do before his punishment. If Riddler is not here, then I am ready to wait for his return for hours or days, going over the torture options in my head.

The floorboards didn't creak under my weight, but the water squished treacherously after each step, so I went down carefully so as not to scare off the prey. He was standing in front of the bookcase, with his back to me, and was flipping through some book. My successful hunting. My sweet revenge. Can't sleep? Then I'll send you to eternal sleep.

"The heron sat in a cage for a long time. The heron is terribly hungry. Why not eat a juicy and chatty frog?" my tall and wide shadow threateningly covered Riddler. A folding and serrated knife clattered in my hand. A sharp beak that is ready to disassemble a frog carcass. The short man turned around sharply and did not even have time to shout out of fright, as I pounced on him and grabbed him by the throat. The scream I had caught could not get out in any way and writhed under the skin. The book with the mixed pages crashed to the floor. From my strong grip, Nigma wheezed loudly and began to choke, and I played with him like a wild dog with a fragile toy. At first I let him take one breath, and then I squeezed his neck hard and enjoyed a new portion of agony.

"Come on, show me the courage with which you told Bat about me." I hissed in the ear of Riddler, having previously picked him up and slammed him into the bookcase so that all the contents fell to the floor.

"Please... no… Scarecrow… I didn't... want..." gritting his teeth, he literally coughed up every word. The frog's paws twitched uncontrollably, all ten fingers clutched at my wrist. So thin, so weak, like a straw figurine… Wonderful. I want to squeeze the soul out of this trembling body all night, to the very last drop.

"Yes, try to distract me with your croaking from the desire to eat." I relax my hand a little, but I continue to hold Riddler above the floor. When he joyfully began to breathe deeply, I immediately interrupted this moment and brought the sharpened knife to his face.

"Every heron knows from hatching that delicious frogs still live and chatter for a while if you rip open their soft bellies." the tip of the blade and my eyes shone equally, with cold, with danger. It took only one movement to paint my instrument in the same scarlet color as my eyes were. Feeling my smile stretching to my ears under a thick mask, Nigma howled plaintively and whined. The small notches of the knife, capable of tearing flesh like a flock of hungry piranhas, made him cry and sob softly. And I didn't even have to carry a scythe with me. Frogs are so timid and funny…

"I didn't want to... I didn't want to! But Batman... also came to me and... his demands to find out everything were... very weighty." the black mask quickly soaked with tears pouring from the rapidly blinking green eyes. With his twitching, he was able to point out a large dent in the wall where the desk stood. Surprisingly, it turned out to be very familiar, since the relief of Batman's fists is remembered quickly. Hmm, and I thought that Riddler decided to completely become his faithful dog.

"That's not enough, Riddler. I was robbed because of you!" I squeeze the thin neck again, but this time I dig my long nails into the stretched skin, rubbing it until it bleeds like files.

"I know... I know! And I've been looking for them... lately! Please!" little frog screamed so much in horror and slight pain that tickling goosebumps ran through my body, and my insides fairly stirred. Warm drops rolled down my palm. A sweet for me smell reached my nostrils. Now I didn't want to end it all with a quick kill. What was happening now gave me more pleasure and amused my grievances.

"Really? Then, little frog, tell the heron about what is happening at the bottom of the swamp." I do not restrain my malicious laughter and insidious grin. His crying caressed my ears. I wanted to throw him up and catch him like a ball. He's so light, like he's hollow inside. The same Hatter, my colleague, is much shorter than Nigma, but at the same time hard and heavy as a cobblestone. When I raised my index finger, Riddler squeezed his eyes shut and shrank all over, but instead of maiming, I poked him in the cheek, thereby squeezing a blissful squeak out of him. For a second it seemed to him that he died from my touch, but then he was surprised that he continued to breathe.

"Table... on the table!" groaning and gasping, the tortured frog was already choking on his whining. Mentally sated for a while, I let him go, just threw him on the floor like a used rag. Riddler immediately grabbed his throat, which, presumably, was unbearably sore after several attempts at strangulation and inflicted wounds. While I was slowly pacing to the desk and proudly shaking my "feathers", Nigma huddled in a corner between the cabinets and tucked his trembling paws. Among a small stack of copies of police reports and clippings from fresh newspapers was a map showing the place of my capture and possible escape routes of the brazen robbers. A small piece of paper with dates and addresses written in a column was glued to the map. Hmm, it looks like the frog was aware of his act and expected an angry heron.

"Addresses. Here the heron will be able to find the worms collected by the frightened little frog?" licking the blood that has not yet dried from my hand, I turn back to Riddler. The short-term freedom was enough for him to catch his breath and recover, but Nigma still shuddered from every movement I made.

"No-no." getting to his feet and wiping tears from his face, Riddler carefully, almost on tiptoe, jumped up to me and began to put the papers in different piles.

"When I found out that two bottles of fear toxin were missing after your arrest, I immediately started searching and connected all my informants to this case. Because... um... what will a Scarecrow do if someone else starts scaring crows? The answer is he will be very angry..." he feverishly and with a guilty expression on his face showed me small articles telling about minor crimes in which the victims were... too scared. But not enough to suspect me. Very similar to the effect of the minimum doses of my gas. And it happened at this addresses. Is my piece of chemical art being used for petty robberies?! Now it is clear why Bat is not interested in this and the whole investigation has fallen on the back of the plush amphibian. But I liked such pleas for mercy.

"Then... I won't kill you, Nigma. But you have three days to find the names and burrows of these worms." leaving memorable deep scratches on the corner of the table, I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket with a sharp jerk and dragged him to me.

"Otherwise, the heron will swallow a delicious little frog and will enjoy his death throes in stomach!" I press his face to mine to see my own reflection in the green beads and taste pure, childish fear. The wrinkles on his forehead became more prominent, drops of sweat trickled down his temples, pale lips pursed, and raised eyebrows almost reached each other.

"Yes... yes... the frog will feed the heron!" Riddle literally nodded with his whole body and swallowed the tangles of fear and excitement tangling in his throat. His palms instinctively rested on my shoulders and tried to push me away. Warm…

"What a responsible and cowardly frog. So that you don't float away on the first water lily, I will always look after you..." I turned Nigma around and pressed his back to my chest.

"No! Not that..." unfortunately, I had to interrupt these innocent bleating. I put my whole palm over his mouth and nose. A fine amber powder fell from the small pocket of my glove. Mixing with the air, it turned into a good dose of the fear toxin. And I forced Riddler to breathe it all into his lungs, so that all the fresh air would be replaced by flying horror, so that a part of me would circulate in his blood. He was kicking and lashing my arms furiously, but this only increased my strength. Ah, I'm like Luigi Galvani, and Nigma is the object of my experiments. Loud grunts filled the whole room, the frog's heart was about to explode like a fragmentation grenade. From lack of air, his eyes filled with new tears and rolled up.

"Now only be afraid of my wings, little frog." after making sure that all the powder was used for its intended purpose, I released Riddler, who played for me a beautiful melody of painful wheezes, groans and squeaks. At a fast pace, it turned into a loud orchestra of screams, panic and sobs. This is my gift for you. He was trembling, huddled into a ball on the floor, and I was stomping around him and scaring him with my shadow.

"No!.. Don't touch me!.." his voice twitched, broke, and his hands covered his head. So be it, frog, I'll have time to torment you yet. To beat and physically break such a lovely creature is an unattainable crime even for me. But I can easily break your soul and mind. In the meantime, do something important.

"Tick-tock. Hurry up, little frog. The heron wants the fattest worms."

#scriddler#riddlecrow#scarecrow#salecrow#riddler#saleriddler#jonathan crane#edward nigma#bad english#Blacki's fanfiction


Jun 27, 2022

I need a fic now based off of when Félix stopped having sex with Pepa and went to go spend time with Dolores. I need to know how that interaction went down lol

Case you guys don't know the context;

I remember seeing somewhere that felix plays the tiple do you think he would teach his kids how to play tooIn the earlier Encanto doodles,

With that, let's do it, because its FUNNY.

"That's it mami, such a good f*cking girl for me."

Félix f*cking loved his wife. They went from having a snack of milk and cookies, to him absolutely plowing that puss* right into her bed. He had no idea what she did to get him here, but damn he wasn't complaining. Not when she laid there, hair sprawled all over the pillows, legs over his shoulders and nails digging into the sheets below.

"Good enough for papi to stuff me full of cum? Mami needs it~"

Félix chuckled against her pretty little ear, taking just the smallest nibble out of it.

"What, so you can have another baby? Is that what you want? mami codiciosa~"

They shared another kiss. Another, another, his tongue tasting her lust tasted spit. She was all grins as she nipped at his bottom lip, and damn did that make his co*ck twitch inside of her.

"Yeah, I am greedy. You gave me a beautiful baby. I want more. I want to be SO f*cking full and pregnant. I want a baby just as great as Dolores. I love her."

"Dios, I love her too. She's beautiful, she's kind, she LOVES her music practice with her papi-"

"Papi needs to knock me up NOW if he keeps going on about how much he loves his family."

He couldn't helo but laugh as he dug his fingers into his hair, giving it just a good enough of a pull to remind her WHO was doing the f*cking here.

"Ay, watch that pretty mouth, I might just give you what you want. I'm so happy we can squeeze this in before four."

"Félix, that clock is an hour off."

Wait. Wait, that was right. Their room clock was always off by an hour, and his ass kept forgetting to fix it. That meant he didn't have an hour till practice. He had two minutes.


He immediately got off of her, quickly putting his pants back on. Pepa stared at him in disbelief, thunder crackling over her own head.

"W-Félix! You were KINDA in the middle of something! You can be a minute late-"

"And make her think I'm unreliable? NO. A man makes a promise to a woman, he KEEPS it."

He scrambled to find his belt, before finding it on the floor and putting it on. He quickly grabbed his tiple from the corner, and ran out of the room, ignoring whatever Pepa was yelling about. He'd make it up to her later, but he'd be CRUSHED if he missed this valuable father and daughter time. He busted through the door just in time, accidentally spooking his daughter, who was up on her stage and waiting for him.

"Papi? Did you. RUN here?"

"Y-yes. I booked it. I didn't...want to keep you waiting. It's rude of a man to keep ANY little lady waiting."

He took a deep breath to recover, before his daughter co*cked her head at him.

"What happened to your shirt?"

Félix looked down at himself. No shirt. That was when he kinda figured out what Pepa was yelling at him about. The fact that she was wearing his shirt still. He kind of just assumed she was cussing him out for keeping them both hanging. Though it was probably both. He fumbled for a bit, not knowing how to explain it, before just making something up.

"Your mami was cold, so I let her borrow it."

"Aw? Like how they do it in the books?"

"Yes, exactly. Now, you ready to play?"


Now you might think Félix was ocerreacting. Dolores probably wouldn't care about him being five minutes late, and he most definitely could've finished himself and Pepa pretty quickly. But as he sat there next to her, watching her little fingers pluck the strings and listening to her soft little voice, he couldn't bare the thought of her thinking she was second rate to anything. Dolores was his top priority, and he wanted her to know that. Because he knew, one day, a man would come into her life, and try to do the exact same.

He wanted Dolores to know what to look for in said man. If they didn't care about her like he did, they didn't matter. As he joined her in the song, ever so sweetly, he hated to think about the day where she'd be grown enough to need the comfort of another man. She was growing fast too, she'd be walking down the aisle before he knew it. But for now, she was his baby, small, and all his.

Even if it meant he'd have a weather storm waiting for him after this.

#asks#not transformers#encanto#lemon#don't worry pepa got her nut afterwards#she couldn't really be mad because thats such a sweet reason to bail in the middle of a good f*cking#Félix is just the classic 'anything for his princess' dad


Sep 16, 2021

Hey could you please write something with reader's ex leaking some private pictures you two took when you were together just because he's jealous of you and tom, so when tom hears about what happened he is so upset that someone could be this low, he's not even jealous, he is just so mad that he could cry

A/N: Thank you for sending this in, I hope you enjoy! 💕

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, leaking of nudes (this is never okay, I do not condone this behaviour), talks of bad relationships, mentions of stalking (do not read if you are uncomfortable).

You and Tom had been together for just over a year and a half, it had been amazing, you absolutely adored each other and everyone could see it. There was only one negative in your relationship and that came with your ex.

He was an incredibly jealous human being, awful in every way. You broke things off with him after two years of putting up with his behaviour. You'd not been allowed to have male friends, the relationship you had with the men Tom lived with was strange for you at first, at every turn you expected Tom to get angry about how close you were getting. It never happened, Tom adored the relationship you had with the boys and it was quick to reassure you of that fact when you opened up to him about it.

Unfortunately, although he claimed he wasn't in love with you, he couldn't let you go. He was so jealous when he found out you'd moved on that he started stalking your social medias, leaving comments on your posts which led to you blocking him. Of course, this didn't work, he made new accounts in order to find out what you were doing, leaving nasty comments on posts you made to a point where you simply stopped posting as often.

He was tiring and for a while you worried he'd find you, approach you but he never did. You'd been on edge for a short time after making your relationship with Tom public due to the comments he'd leave on your posts. You wondered whether or not he'd ever get over it, let you go but he seemingly wasn't going to anytime soon. It was tiresome, truly but you'd learned to live with it, you continued to block the accounts he made, Tom personally emailing the social media companies in hopes they could put a stop to him but to no avail.

You travelled with Tom a lot, most of the time unless you had family commitments that kept you homebound. This was due to your job and the way it worked, you never needed to be in an office and you could work from anywhere in the world. Book editing meant you had freedom. It made you feel safe, knowing Tom was never far away and when he was filming you could spend time with one of the boys and it brought a huge comfort to you.

You were back in London, in Tom's shared house after a long stretch in the states, you were happy to be back home, have your home comforts. You had been in and out of sleep for the past hour, your phone buzzing like crazy which had resulted in you turning it off, not ready to face whatever it was so early in the morning. That was all well and good until Tom's phone started half an hour later.

"Tom." You lightly shook him in his sleep and he mumbled incoherently in response. "Tom?" You tried harder.

"Y/N, go back to sleep." He grumbled as he pulled you into his chest as his phone started again. You pushed against his chest and his eyes snapped open.

"Tom your phone." You stated and Tom groaned before rolling over and mindlessly fishing for the device, turning it off as well. "It might be important." You said and he rolled back over to pull you into him.

"I'll deal with it later, it's my week off, it can wait." He mumbled into your neck as he sighed out. It didn't take him long to find sleep again as he held you against his chest, his warmth wrapping around you and making you drift into your own sleep.

You're not sure how long you'd been back asleep before you heard banging on your bedroom door. Tom groaning as he squeezed your body and ignored the knocks, hoping whichever boy it was would go away.

"Tom." Harrison's voice pulled you both from your sleepy state. He sounded worried, not his usual calm and chilled out self as he banged on the door again. "You need to get up." He said frantically.

"f*ck off Harrison, I'm tired." Tom shouted back as you sat up and ran a hand over your face. Tom protesting as you sat against the headboard trying to come to. "Darling, come back." He begged, almost childishly, you were about to respond when Harrison piped up again.

"Tom, mate seriously. Get up, it's important." He tried and Tom groaned again before sitting up next to you. "Right, I'm coming in." Haz shouted before opening your bedroom door, phone in hand and face paler than usual.

"Haz what is so important that we need to get up at," Tom started as he checked his watch. "7:30 in the morning."

"You need to check your phones." He said as he threw his phone in your direction. With furrowed brows you picked it up. "I'm so sorry Y/N/N." He said and Tom was quick to grab his phone, turning it on.

"What do you mean? Haz it's early and I've not woken up yet, what's going on?" Tom asked as you scrolled Haz's phone, quiet as a mouse, face dropping. You flicked though the series of pictures that had made their way to twitter, complete and utter disbelief hitting you.

"Her ex." Harrison said as Tom's phone finished booting up, numerous missed calls from his publicist and twitter notifying him that he was trending. "Y/N/N, are you okay?" Harrison asked as he took in your figure.

"How long have these been up?" You asked, eyes not leaving his phone.

"I don't know they were posted overnight." Harrison sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Numerous pictures of yourself from a couple of years ago staring back at you. Pictures with your ex in very compromising positions mocking you as you looked at them.

You nodded slowly as you swallowed down your emotions, you lifted a shaky hand to run through your hair. The internet had practically seen you for what you were, seen things that were meant for a significant other. Pictures of yourself you'd sent to your ex before things got bad between the two of you.

"f*cking piece of sh*t." Tom whispered as he himself saw what Harrison had been talking about. You felt like crying, the lump in your throat felt heavy as you tried to swallow it down, tears blurring your vision as you looked at the pictures.

"Sweetheart," Tom started as he took Harrison's phone from your hand and handed it back to his friend. Harrison took it and quickly made his way from your room, he knew you were seconds away from breaking down and you needed your privacy.

"I thought he'd deleted them." You whispered to more yourself than anyone else. "I sent those at the beginning of our relationship, f*cking idiot." You said to yourself and Tom pulled you into him as your tears fell, silently crying.

"You're not an idiot. This is on him, not you. I'm so sorry." Tom said as he held you. "He had no right to do that."

"Is he ever going to leave me alone?" You cried and Tom's heart shattered there and then in his chest. This man had been a tormenter for years, too long and he had been cause for your tears numerous times over your relationship.

"He is. I swear to god this is the last time." Tom promised as he held you tight against him. His phone rang yet again and he huffed out in annoyance as he lifted an arm, reaching for his phone. "Hey, I'll call you back." Tom said into the phone, you didn't hear the response. "No, this is more important, I'll talk to you later." Tom snapped before hanging up the phone and throwing it to one side.

You became a sobbing mess, the world having seen parts of yourself you never wanted them to. You wanted to disappear off the face of earth, how were you supposed to go out in public after this? How were you supposed to face the people you knew? Your mind was racing, thoughts embedding themselves as you thought more about what would happen. You only cried harder as you thought about it.

Tom comforted you through your breakdown, reassuring you that it was going to be okay. He was in complete shock, how could someone do this? He wanted to cry as he held you, his heart was broken for the woman in his arms. He listened as you eventually calmed down, breathing steadying as you pulled away from his chest and wiped your face.

"I'm gonna do something about this, I promise." Tom comforted and he watched as a defeated look spread across your face.

"What does it matter? The world has seen them now." You smiled sadly, realising there was nothing you could do. He'd taken things to a knew level, one you would never hear the end of. "It's my own fault, I never should have sent them." You bit your lip as you tried to hold back more tears.

"No baby, don't do that. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." He said as he sat across from you, taking your hands into his own. You couldn't look him in the eye, what if he hated you for this? This was something people could use against him now, what if he was disgusted you ever sent them to him.

"Stop it." Tom said softly, he could see you reeling, see your thoughts consuming you. He always knew, he said you had this look on your face and in your eyes, he knew you like the back of his hand. "Don't, I know what you're thinking and this isn't your fault."

"Look at me," Tom encouraged as he took your chin in his hand and forced your gaze into his own. "I promise this is going to be okay." He comforted and the look in his eyes was so comforting, so safe. No judgement, nothing hiding behind them, he was heart broken for you, you could see that in the tears that were slightly welling in his eyes.

It wasn't that you were against sending pictures to your partner, you and Tom had sent your fair share to each other. But you had learned a valuable lesson, you'd deleted every picture between you and your ex because that was the right thing to do, right? But he hadn't, he'd kept them and it made you uncomfortable as to why? Why would he want to keep those pictures? Why would he release them for the world to see?

"One minute." Tom said as he got off the bed and made his way into the en suite. You heard running water and you knew he was running you a bath, the evidence in the smell of flowers filling the room as he added your favourite bubble bath. He reappeared after a while.

"Come on. I've got some calls to make so you have a bath." He said as he held his hand out for you. Your heart warmed but you sighed as you took his hand and stood up.

"This isn't your mess to clean up Tom, it's mine." You mumbled and Tom shook his head as he tugged you slightly into the bathroom.

"If it affects you, it affects me. I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you. I love you okay? This isn't your fault and I'm gonna put an end to his sh*t, I've had enough. I'm gonna do something about him." Tom said and you smiled sadly.

"Thank you." You said and Tom smiled as he gestured for you to get into the bath.

"I'll be back in a while. I'm gonna talk to my legal team, see what I can do. You just try and relax and I want you to promise me that you'll stay off social media today." He said and you nodded as he smiled in comfort at you, kissing your forehead as he left the bathroom and made his way downstairs, grabbing his phone and putting some sweats on as he did.

"How is she?" Harrison asked, almost as soon as Tom entered the living room. Tom sighed as he turned to his best friend.

"She's upset. Blames herself for ever sending them." He said and Haz furrowed his brows.

"This is that twats fault. I swear if I ever see him again I'm gonna punch the smug look he always has right off his f*cking face." Haz said.

"You'll have to get in line. I could kill him for what he's done." Tom said, he was so upset that you'd been put through this. "I want to f*cking cry for her Haz, she's devastated." Tom continued as Tuwaine made his way into the room.

"That man is a f*cking dick." He ranted straight away, Harry agreeing as he made his way in. "I can't believe the sh*t he's pulled." He continued.

"He's was so open about it, posting them onto his personal twitter account." Harry said in disbelief.

"I'm hoping that was his biggest mistake, what I can get him for." Tom said as he scrolled his contacts, pulling up the head of his legal team.

"What's the reaction online?" Haz asked carefully and Tuwaine shook his head.

"Half and half, some people are defending her, some are mocking her, others judging. It's a mess, people wanna know how Tom feels about it, some Y/N. I don't know, I tried not to look too much." Tuwaine sighed and Haz gave a tight nod as he grabbed his phone and vigorously started to type.

Tom left the room as he held the phone to his ear, on the phone with his legal team. Disappearing to talk in private. Harrison finally finished his typing as Tuwiane and Harry's phone pinged, Harrison's tweets coming to their attention.

There are no words for what has happened to my two best friends. What this man has done is disgusting and in no way Y/N's fault, please stop circulating the pictures. They were posted without her consent and she is hurting enough without people mocking her. Leave her alone, leave Tom alone. You will hear from them when they are ready.

Harry and Tuwaine retweeting the tweets before adding their own in support of you. You were close to them all, they were like your brother's.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. This is just awful, I can't believe this has happened." Tuwaine said and watched as you appeared in the living room, you had your pyjama pants on, one of Tom's hoodies consuming your upper half as you looked sheepishly around the room.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry this has happened." Tuwaine said as he pulled you into his chest, squeezing you in comfort. "It's okay, we're gonna get you through this." He promised and your heart warmed as you hugged him back.

There was a part of you that wondered how much the boys had seen, it made you feel strange around them. What if they'd seen the pictures of your intimate parts?

"I didn't look." Tuwaine said, almost as if he could read your thoughts. "I saw enough to know when to stop scrolling, enough to know what had happened." He reassured as the boys voiced the same.

"Okay, he's gonna do some digging, see how far he can take it. See what he can get him done for." Tom said as he reappeared, you instantly leaving Tuwaine's arms for your boyfriends.

"Is it looking promising? That we can press charges of some sort against him?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, he's just said he'll see if he can take more action. He's already contacted twitter and they're trying to put a stop to the sharing of the pictures. The rest of the sites the same." Tom said as he squeezed you tightly, chin resting on top of your head.

Tom's phone rang again and he pulled it from his pocket, sighing as he watched his publicists name flash across his screen. This was the phone call he was dreading because his PR team didn't give a f*ck how you looked, it was all about Tom. This wasn't about him.

"Hello?" Tom said as he answered, he couldn't ignore them forever.

"Tom! Finally!" He heard the shrill screech of her voice and he grimaced as he did. He moved you both to sit on the couch, sitting you on his lap as he cuddled you. "Have you seen the internet?"

"Yeah." Tom said, almost annoyed.

"Y/N needs to put out a statement." She said and Tom huffed, anger building in him.

"Y/N doesn't need to do anything. She will address this if and when she is ready." Tom snapped.

"Tom this will make it look bad for you if neither of you address it. Some people are speculating she's cheated." She replied and your stomach dropped as you overheard her. Tom shifted you onto the couch as he got up, placing a kiss to your lips as he disappeared again. You didn't need to hear any of this.

"I don't give a sh*t to be honest. She hasn't cheated, these photos where posted without her consent. This isn't about me, this is about her." Tom snapped.

"But Tom, you are Spiderman, your girlfriends nudes have been leaked, pictures of her with another man have leaked." She snapped back and Tom's anger hit breaking point.

"I don't care. I just told you that. I'm not going to force her to do a thing she doesn't want. I don't care that I am Spiderman, what happened to her is wrong and I'm gonna stand by her."

"About that." She said Tom's heart dropped.


"We think it might be best if you distanced yourself from her. Make it look like a slight break." His publicist said and Tom's anger hit the roof at the suggestion. His publicist had never been fond of your relationship, they wanted him to date other celebrities, he'd fought them for ages on this front.

"Not happening. This is devastating for her, you really think I'm gonna abandon her? You know what? If anyone thinks negatively about me or her, that's on them because what has happened to her is wrong. How do you think that will look? I can just see the headlines. Tom Holland leaves girlfriend after nudes where leaked without her consent. What sort of a message does that send to people? Did you think about that? Or is this just you taking another opportunity to try and get me seen with someone you approve of?" Tom screamed, the house heard.

"I, I suppose I hadn't thought about that." She stumbled out quietly. Tom pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself.

"I don't want to hear anything more about this. I'm going to deal with this my way. This isn't about me, this about her and sticking by her, which I am going to do. Whatever you might say. The fact that you hadn't thought about what I've just said makes clear to me that I can't trust you with this one and maybe I should be looking for someone I can." Tom snapped.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave you be. We'll try and do what we can here." She said and Tom didn't even feel guilty for blowing out on his publicist, the team could be the biggest wankers he'd ever met anyway.

"Tom, you'll get in trouble." You said as he made his way back into the room. He sat down next to you, pulling you into his side as he kissed your head.

"I don't care. This isn't about me, they need to realise that." Tom spoke into your hair. He pulled his phone from his pocket as he typed away, minutes later and everyone's phone had pinged, Tom had posted to Instagram. It was a picture of the two of you, one taken over winter in by the fire.

I'm sure many of you have seen what has happened. I'm devastated someone would do this, these pictures were posted without her consent. This man kept these pictures for over two years and then posted them. I ask that you stop judging and just think for a second how this would make you feel, if it was you in this position. She trusted him enough to send those images and he broke that trust, it's so wrong.

I ask that you stop posting the pictures, they are not yours or mine to post. There is no cheating involved, this man has caused enough distress for Y/N and I will not let it continue. I want you to support her and send love, it's what she deserves. She's my best friend and my lover, I stand by her 100% on this, I will not tolerate any abuse sent her way.

Please understand that she is not ready to address this and if she never is that's okay. She doesn't have to, this isn't her fault and she has nothing to apologise for. I love her and I hope to see your continued support of her, much love Tom x

He switched his phone off as he looked at you, he wanted nothing more than to make this go away for you, he wanted to hide you from the world, keep you safe. He had to swallow his tears again, heart aching from what this man has done to you, he couldn't stop himself pulling you tighter against him as he tried to keep his tears at bay..

"It's gonna be okay, I promise. I love you." He said into your hair as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself to straddle him. You pulled each other impossibly closer and the boys smiled at the interaction, no matter what was going on the world, the two had each other. They had each other's backs and it was heart warming to see, to know they had all the support they would ever need in each other.

#tom holland x reader#tom holland x y/n#tom holland angst#tom holland x female reader#tom holland one shot


Jul 16, 2021

Familiar - The Darkling x Reader

He was living his worst nightmare. You were in danger because of him. He swore to protect you, to get himself caught in the crossfire if it meant saving you but right now he was useless and you were suffering. He didn't know where you were or who took you from the Palace, the place he said was like a fortress, the safest place in Ravka. You were swiped from right under his nose, most likely roughly and mercilessly and it was all because you loved him.

He never wanted anyone to know of your relationship, you were his most protected and valued secret and he would put his life on the line to keep it that way. But now you were gone and he couldn't bare to look at himself. The promise he made to you was broken and he let you down.

For our love is a ghost that the others can't see

You agreed with it too, knowing that you would immediately become a target if Aleksander introduced you as his. But here you were now, sitting in the back of a moving coach, gagged and handcuffed with a blood and tear stained face.

The ride was more bumpy and painful than it was at the start, having now been on it for at least 4 hours, you knew you were far from home and heading to Fjerda.

The realization hit you as soon as you felt a pair of strong hands at your wrists, holding them apart in the safety of your chambers to prevent you from summoning. The festivities were loud and blocked out your shouts of self-defense and cries for help. That's where Aleksander's protection had run out, right there in your shared rooms.

You cursed yourself as more tears slipped out your eyes, you were a fool who didn't listen to their own advice. Ravka didn't know about you, the Darkling seemingly had no weaknesses until your irrationally tipsy behavior. Tonight's stupid actions would cost you your life.


'Enjoying the celebrations?' You held your fourth champagne glass of the night tightly in your hand as you walked up to Aleksander and Ivan. They were all business and no party as the Little Palace roared to life following a day of successful business negotiations. Grisha of all orders let loose and had fun, forgetting the troubles of war as foreign delegations joined in, all in unity for a single night of fun.

The Zemeni were dancing with the Kerch, the Shu were peacefully discussing with the Kaelish, it was a utopia. Your own mind was for once calm, be it the champagne or the vibes you didn't know and didn't care.

'You did a very good job Y/N, I'm impressed.' Ivan gestured to the party and pride filled you. It was stressful and nerve-racking to plan a banquet of this magnitude, but seeing it all accomplished and with no fights made you unbelievably happy.

'Thank you Ivan. Go enjoy yourself, I'm sure Fedyor is looking for you.'

He walked away just as you'd hoped, leaving you and Aleksander alone. You moved a step closer, taking his hand in yours.

'It is magnificent darling, you look magnificent too.' His head dipped as it usually did when he was about to kiss you, but he stopped himself and instead looked around the room, inspecting it to make sure no one was watching him.

'Relax, we're in a large crowd, I highly doubt anyone is paying us any mind.' With the foreign ambassadors here, Aleksander's black attire was balanced out with black tuxedos and suits. He wasn't sticking out anymore, he blended in. You wanted to be with him, and perhaps you could be right now.

'If you say so' Although your words did something to reassure him, his sweet lips were brief on yours. It was a short kiss, but he somehow conveyed his love for you in that quick second before he was back to his usual General persona.

'Alright General Kirigan, I'll go annoy Genya.' You joked and in the process knocked the glass over onto your fine silk kefta. 'sh*t'

You didn't miss the look of amusem*nt on his face as you tried to dry the stain with your sleeve. 'Or I'll go and change' you laughed, leaning into his laughing body.

You were certain the moment was intimate and private, that nobody was watching, but a pair of eyes closely watched the scene from afar, mouth open ajar as he found the Darkling's only weakness; You.


'Moi Soverenyi what is the meaning of all this?' Ivan didn't expect to be dragged out of bed at this hour and see the General's inner circle crowded around his war table in their nightclothes. He thought the banquet went well: nobody fought or got injured or even argued, it was the perfect night so to speak. But the powerful Grisha still dressed in his silk black kefta was restless and panicked.

His hair was disheveled and he looked ready to kill as he stood with his back to everyone, facing the big map of Ravka. The room was silent save for a few yawns and sighs. Nobody knew anything about why they were there but the tension surrounding their commander was hostile and frightening.

'Y/N Y/L/N is missing from Palace grounds. I think she may have been taken.' Ivan stilled, he was the only person in the room who knew of the relationship between his General and you and had grown to like your refreshing presence. He cared for you in a brotherly way and your disappearance ignited a fury in him.

'I need you searching the streets, interrogating the delegates, anything we can to bring her back.' His face was still turned away from them, and Ivan knew he wouldn't turn around.

Aleksander was beside himself with worry and guilt, he was on the verge of tears. You were gone and it was his fault. His mind was swirling with the accusations and the self-hate, but also with memories of you. Your life echoed around the walls of his head, bouncing off of his heart with a shatter.

He wasn't going to wake up tomorrow next to you curled up in his arms. He wasn't going to hear you rant over breakfast. You were gone and it was his fault.

He was trying so hard to devise a plan to find you, to command his Grisha and be a General, but in that moment he was just Aleksander, Y/N's Aleksander. Worry took up his mind and all the commanding bones in his body yearned to have you next to him.

He turned his head briefly to Ivan, who had the same expression on his face that Genya wore when he woke her up searching for Y/N. She was already out in the streets of Os Alta with David, trying their luck with tracking your jewelry.

'We leave in 10 minutes. Every single Grisha in the Second Army will be used if need be.' If you listened closely, you could hear the edge to his voice, a slight pang of heartbreak and anguish. He was trying to hide it, but alas he was only a man.

The Grisha started muttering amongst themselves and Ivan caught a few words of their conversations and couldn't help but let the rage rise in him 'She's not even that good of a soldier.....' 'Who is that?' 'I want to go back to bed....'

'A foreign dignitary had the audacity to kidnap a Grisha after we let them into our home and you speak of going to bed?'

'Ivan.' Fedyor warned him.

'Moi Soverenyi, with all due respect, Y/L/N was simply a teacher to the younger Grisha, not a high-ranking soldier with valuable intel. Should we really assume a kidnapping happened? For all we know it was desertion. Y/N found a good moment to slip out and escaped.'

Every shade of us you fade down to keep

Them in the dark on who we are

The second those words were spoken by Polina, Aleksander's black shadows let loose. They crept up her legs and around her throat, tightening and tightening until air could no longer enter the inferni's lungs. She was petrified, she was simply stating another perspective on the situation but her General's and Ivan's responses told her her opinion was not wanted at all.

Aleksander stopped himself before he killed her. It was his fault, all of it. His Grisha didn't take this seriously because they didn't know who Y/N truly was to him, perhaps a secret ready to be shared, spoke a voice deep in the back of his head, not your voice though. He wouldn't tell anyone anything until he had your approval. If he ever got it.

'Believe me, Y/N was no deserter.'

'10 minutes!' Barked Ivan at the Grisha when none of them moved from their tired trance.


You didn't know Fjerdan fluently but you knew enough to make out the most important words 'We crossed the border', 'Witch', 'let her burn'. It was enough to drown your hope of escaping and coming home to Aleksander and your Grisha.

You never got involved in any war or fighting, simply choosing to teach the young students the basics of summoning. It made you content and happy, whereas war made you anxious and nervous. Your body had only ever known the luxuries of the Little Palace, the feel of a pen or book in your hands. To add to it, your powers were never used in a defensive way only summoned when you taught, so this was a drastic turn of events to say the least.

Being dragged and beaten by the Fjerdans, insulted in a foreign language, and cuffed so the one comfort you had available to you was useless, brought you to your knees despite the initial training you received when you joined the Second-Army. I am no soldier, I am a teacher.

The border had been crossed and you were officially a Fjerdan captive, ready to sit a trail where you would be found guilty and hanged for your gifts. The chances of Aleksander finding you were slim to none as you tried to remember if any clues were left behind at the scene of your kidnapping. The Fjerdans were quick and concise, neat and skilled, leaving no traces of their presence in your chambers.

The back of the carriage yanked open and let in the evening sun, blinding you in the process. You stopped counting the time after the 8th hour passed and your space was still pitch black. The shadows once were a comfort, now they were simply a tool to frighten you even more.

'Let's go, Witch.' A tall man spoke as he grabbed you by the arm, dragging you as if you didn't weigh anything. You complied, not seeing a reason to tire yourself by fighting back. It was pointless and futile.

You were in the middle of nowhere, a field of open green space with patches of snow. Fjerda. You'd never been anywhere near the border even, but the cold wind was whiplash-inducing just as Aleksander once described it.

'I thought I am to face trial.' You had barely spoken a word in fear in the carriage but the suspicion had rousted you to mutter the words.

'You? I'd rather kill you right here' joked the man and his companions laughed along as if what you said was the beginnings of a hilarious joke. 'You are the Demon's vulnerability, we hurt him for revenge' He pushed you to your knees roughly.

This love is gonna be the death of me

It's a danger

'So I am to die in a field?'

'Not before you tell us everything about the Darkling' then a kick to your stomach shut down your senses.


'We are crossing into Fjerda Moi Soverenyi' Ivan shouted over the galloping horses. Not even 2 minutes after the meeting, Fedyor noticed 3 Fjerdan delegates missing from their rooms in the Little Palace and raced to tell his General who was now fiercely riding his black stallion with a fury no one dared to comment on. He had Squallers feeling the air for you, Durasts tracking your jewelry, and Heartrenderers listening to heartbeats as they all made their way up to Fjerda, the enemy country.

As time passed, the fear rose and turned into a strange combination of denial and grief. Aleksander tried to desperately shoo it away, to rid the thought as it came. You were alive. You had to be.

He felt his crew getting restless and tired but he didn't dare slow his pace. His stallion seemed to understand the urgency of the situation and for lack of a better word, legged it as his master requested.

'General, we think we can feel something.' The Durast and Squaller riding right behind him suddenly burst out. 'About 5 miles northeast, I can direct us from there.' The man in the purple kefta bellowed and Aleksander's heart picked up the pace to a deadly rhythm. He was immortal, but he was sure this was going to be the death of him.


It took every ounce of courage and pride to not give in but you hurt all over. Your ribs were cracked, lungs quickly collapsing, your arms and legs unmoving. The only aspect of you that looked normal was your face

'I'll leave it, let him see you dead in a coffin with only your pretty face as a reminder of how disgusting he is, how disgusting all of you are.'

You had told them nothing, not a word, not even a cry of pain to satisfy them. If these were truly your last moments, you wouldn't go down as a traitor. Your eyes closed on their own accord a while ago, your ears stopped listening when you heard the first bone crack in your leg.

You didn't see Aleksander's shadows flood the field, cutting down everything in his path. You didn’t hear the Fjerdans scream out in pain and fear. There was blood everywhere, not just yours as he ran to you.

'HEALERS NOW' you didn't see him, you didn't hear him, but he saw you beaten and dying right in front of him. His hands traced the side of your face lovingly as a small tear escaped his eye. You felt it, his touch on yours and your lip pulled up in the faintest smile you could manage. He was here.

Ivan was next to you in an instant, attempting to quicken your heartbeat, fill your weak lungs with air and keep you alive but his shaking hands were rigid and stiff with fear at the possibility of losing his friend. The other Grisha watched with perplexed faces as they quickly approached, the Healers running for dear life to get to you in time. You were only a teacher in their eyes, not the General's love or the Heartrenderers comrade.

'Y/N you'll be okay, I promise.' Aleksander left a kiss against your forehead, keeping his lips there for as long as he could before the red keftas swarmed around you and fought to save your dwindling life.

And the dark was opening wide, do or die

You registered his touch, his kiss, before the itching took over and the pain slowly lifted. The darkness was back as a comfort and death seemed far away.

The Darkling only had one weakness, one vulnerability, and only one reoccurring nightmare; the death of Y/N Y/L/N and he made sure to let the world know if you ever came to harm, he would kill anyone and anything in his path.


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.