Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal Review: Does It Truly Work? Read Before Buying! - eXploreRound (2024)

Do you wish to get rid of unwanted body hairs permanently? Are you wondering whether Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal is the really the perfect product that will give you the smooth skin you desire? Then this review is for you.

This review gives a detailed explanation of this device which includes the pros, cons, features, usage and other important information. This would to help you decide whether it is worth buying or not. Read till the end!

About Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal.

Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal device is a battery powered hair removal device that is said to be capable of removing hairs gently from the root without pains or irritation and also slows down regrowth of hair with the help of Intense Pulse Light (IPL) technology. According to the manufacturers, This laser handset can be used on places where hairs grow such as face, groin, abdomen, Bikini area, arms and legs.

Now, the question here is this: Does Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal really work as it is being showcased? We will uncover that shortly.

Features Of Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal.

This laser hair removal device is reusable. Its voltage ranges from 100-240volts. The lamp tube is made of Xenon Quartz and it has a power capacity of 48watts. It comes with an adjustable energy levels, a gliding head, and an automatic sensor. The package consist of each of the following items: USB Cable for charging, Eye protection, IPL Hair Removal Handset and Instructional manual. It is made for use by both men and women.

Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal Review: Does It Truly Work? Read Before Buying! - eXploreRound (1)

How To Use.

Step 1: Clean and dry your skin.

Step 2: Connect the power adapter to a power source.

Step 3: Turn on the device by simply pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds.

Step 4: Select the appropriate intensity level of your choice

Step 5: Glide the device over your skin following the leading of the flashy light till it takes out all the hairs.

Is It Good For All Body Parts And Hair Types?

Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal is made for use on all body parts and hair types, However, it is not really safe to use it on the face because it may cause redness and inflammation of the face. The device does not also work well for those with blonde hair. tanned or darker skin

Are There Side Effects Of Using Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal?

Users are this IPL device are likely to experience side effects such as temporary redness, swelling, irritation or mild discomfort following treatment especially those with sensitive skin.

DoesLumivyx IPL Hair Removal Really Work? Here’s My Take On It:

Although, there are several user positive reviews on their website as well as other external sites, they cannot be fully relied on because they may not be honest reviews. There are no reviews from users of this product on reputable e-commerce platforms like Amazon and this poses a lot of concerns and trust issues.

This product looks like other hair removal device sold online like Pure glow laser hair removal and results vary from person to person. Therefore, users just have to exercise caution by consulting a dermatologist before using this product. Also, discontinue usage if you notice any sign of discomfort while using this product.


  • It is reusable.
  • It is portable.
  • It is easy to use.
  • Removes hair though not completely.
  • Can be used by men and women.


  • When used continuously, you may start experiencing pains and injuries.
  • It is not suitable for all hair and skin types.
  • Not effective on certain body parts.
  • It is pricey. (sold for $319.99)
  • Not sold on ecommerce sites like Amazon.
  • Only sold on their official website (

Is Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal Worth Your Money?

Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal is a product that claims to be capable of removing unwanted hairs from the body. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee its effectiveness since there are no customer reviews of this product on popular platforms. Results may vary from person to person. It is always safe to consult your dermatologist before using any hair epilator.

No doubt, hair removal devices can be helpful in erasing hairs, However, we advise buyers to always carry out due diligence before purchasing any of these product so as not to regret their actions. There are many fake products in the market. Some of these devices can cause more damage to your skin. Other similar products we have reviewed are Glabrous Skin Epilator and Nood Hair Removal.

Have you made use of Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal? Did it work well for you? Kindly drop a message in the comment section telling us about your experience.

Lumivyx IPL Hair Removal Review: Does It Truly Work? Read Before Buying! - eXploreRound (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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