How To Tell If Nintendo Switch Is Stolen (2024)

There are few things better than a bargain buy. Especially when you buy a piece of valuable technology like Nintendo Switch.

How To Tell If Nintendo Switch Is Stolen (1)

However, there’s always a cloud of suspicion when you’re buying used goods. Especially if you’re purchasing it from an unofficial retailer.

To avoid getting into trouble, you should make sure that the previous owner didn’t part with his device unwillingly. However, this may be easier said than done.

Let’s dive in.

Can You Track a Stolen Nintendo Device?

Some devices have built-in tracking systems that allow users to locate them via serial number and GPS.

Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch isn’t one of these devices. In fact, Nintendo doesn’t offer any type of tracking service or device that can be located.

So if you own a stolen Nintendo Switch, the previous owner will have a hard time finding it. Therefore, you need to try and find this out on your own.

Check If the Serial Numbers Match

A stolen Nintendo Switch will usually come without its original box or in a completely different one.

If the box and the device’s serial numbers match, then you’ve probably gotten a real deal. If not, there’s a huge possibility that something shady is going on.

Here’s how to find the two serial numbers:

  1. One serial number is listed on the bottom-left of the handheld Nintendo Switch console (not the dock).
    How To Tell If Nintendo Switch Is Stolen (2)
  2. The other serial number is listed directly on the product box.
    How To Tell If Nintendo Switch Is Stolen (3)

Of course, even if the serial numbers match, there’s a possibility that the product is stolen. However, it’s much less likely.

Contact Nintendo Support

If someone’s Nintendo Switch got stolen, there’s a chance that they’ve contacted Nintendo Support.

Usually, users do this so they can deactivate their Nintendo Account and wipe out any data from the console.

The Nintendo Support team could ask for a stolen device’s serial number. If they do, they could note in their database that it belongs to a stolen Switch.

Therefore, you could contact the team and explain your concerns. They may ask you to read your console’s serial number, so they check its status.

If it’s stolen, you’ll have to return the device. But on the bright side, you won’t get into trouble for owning a stolen Switch (you could otherwise).

You can get in touch with the Nintendo support here.

Contact the Police

Finally, there’s a chance that the original owner of the Switch reported the missing device to the police. In particular cases, police will come in possession of stolen goods and locate the original owner via the number.

If you believe your Nintendo Switch is stolen, you could contact your local police and explain the problem. They can quickly check their database and see whether anyone reported a missing Switch with the same serial number.

Of course, even if it didn’t, there’s a possibility that the original owner will report it stolen later. So it may be best to do your part as soon as possible.

Check for Obvious Signs

Some visible signs could tell you right away whether your Switch is stolen.

Here are some of the most obvious:

  1. Missing accessories: If stock accessories are missing without a good reason, you may be dealing with a stolen device. Things such as dock, controller, original charger are just some things that are always included in the box regardless of whether it’s used or not.
  2. Suspiciously low price: There’s a difference between a bargain and an unrealistically low price. If someone tries to sell you a device as soon as possible for a suspiciously low price, you may have a reason to worry. What’s the rush? And what’s wrong with the device? These are all questions that you should ask.
  3. Another User Account: There may be some “shady” leftovers from the previous account. The seller could tell you that they forgot to sign out, but a simple request to sign in again could tell you a lot.

These are just some of the possible ways that you can tell that something fishy is going on.

Beware of Stolen Goods

Some people may feel tempted to buy stolen goods regardless. It’s just too big of an opportunity to pass on.

But first of all, do you want to participate in illegal activities? If you know what you’re doing and eventually get caught, you’re an accomplice.

On the other hand, think about yourself in a similar situation? What if you were the original owner of a stolen device.

Therefore, it’s always better to check and be sure. Don’t you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

How To Tell If Nintendo Switch Is Stolen (2024)
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