How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media (2024)

Social media marketing is no longer optional for small businesses.

We see this problem all too often when consulting small business owners. They have this mentality that social media won’t benefit their companies. One sentence we hear often is:

“Our customers know who we are, and they know where to find us.”

Does this sound familiar to you? Don’t get us wrong: it’s great that you have established a steady customer base. But using social media to market your small business will help you get more money from your existing customersin addition to acquiring new ones.

Failure to have an effective social media strategy can be detrimental to your small business.

While you may not think your lack of a social media presence is having an impact on you today, it will eventually catch up with you down the road. So don’t wait until it’s too late to get started.

You’ve got to keep up with the latest social media trendsand apply them to your small business.

If you’re a small business owner not quite convinced you need to use social media to improve your business, you’ll benefit tremendously from reading this guide.

If you are currently using social media to market your small business but not seeing the results you hoped for, we’ll steer you toward the path to success.

So, follow the marketing tips and strategies we’ve outlined in this guide, and you’ll set yourself up for sustainable growth today and in the future.

Create profiles on multiple platforms

“We’re on Facebook.”

We hear this all the time when we’re talking with small business owners about their social media strategies.

If you have a Facebook page for your business, that’s great. You’re headed in the right direction.

But Facebook alone won’t be enough to maximize your reach. You need to establish a presence on as many social platforms as possible.

Some of the social media channelsthat small businesses use the most include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok.

Before you rush to create a profile on all the channels listed above, it’s important you understand your target market.

For example, LinkedIn is more beneficial to B2B companies. That’s because 80% of leadsgenerated by B2B brands come from LinkedIn.

Yet, let’s say your small business is targeting Generation Z as your primary audience. Well, 52% of Gen Zuses Snapchat and the average snapchat user opens this app about 30 times daily.

But if your small business is trying to generate leads from Baby Boomers, it wouldn’t make sense to prioritize Snapchat.

For the most part, starting with a Facebook profile is a safe bet. With nearly 2.04 billion daily active users, you can assume your target audience has a presence there.

Believe it or not, after all these years, Facebook is still the fastest growingsocial network. So it’s not going anywhere in the near future.

After you create a Facebook page, you need to determine which other channels are suitable for your brand and marketing strategy. We’d recommend creating a YouTube channel.

The video content you upload to YouTube will be easy to repurpose for your other marketing channels. These videos will give you an excuse to post content on other platforms when you’re running low on ideas, but we’ll talk about that in greater detail shortly.

Define your marketing goals

You can’t just blindly start posting content on social media without some sort of rhyme or reason. Before you do anything else, you need to identify your marketing goals.

These are some of the top goalsthat small businesses are trying to accomplish with their social media strategies:

How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media (1)

While lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement are all good reasons to use social media, it doesn’t mean these should be yours.

You may be using social media to provide better customer service or directly drive sales.

Whatever your reasons, make sure they are clearly defined. Think of it as you would of any other marketing strategy for your company.

You wouldn’t run an ad on the radio or a print advertisem*nt without establishing a goal first, so you need to treat your social media strategy the same way.

Once you decide the purpose of your social media campaigns, it will be much easier for you to come up with content to post. As we’ll discuss soon, it can be tough to think of ideas for new posts.

But if you can establish what you want to accomplish with your content, you’ll know what to post to achieve those goals.

Post content on a daily basis

Now that you have a social media profile on multiple platforms, you’ve got to make sure those accounts are active.

If someone stumbles upon one of your pages and the most recent post was from three weeks ago, they aren’t going to follow you. What’s the point of following a brand that doesn’t post content?

Furthermore, think about all the people already following your business page.

These people won’t just navigate to that page on their own to see what you’re up to. You need to post new content that will appear on their homepages and timelines.

Let’s take a look at how frequentlysmall businesses are posting on social media:

How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media (2)

As you can see from this graph, just over half of small businesses post on a daily basis.

This is your opportunity to stand out from your competitors. If your competition is only posting once a week or just a handful of times per month, it will be easier for you to make a lasting impression on your followers by posting daily.

Each time you post new content, you remind your followers that your brand exists.

When they need or want whatever you’re offering, they’ll think of your company as opposed to another small business in the area.

One of the reasons why small businesses aren’t posting content daily is because they simply don’t know what to post. If you fall into this category, refer back to your marketing goals.

For example, if your goal is to promote new products for sale on your ecommerce site, then post a promotional offer for those products.

Repurpose previously published content. We briefly mentioned this earlier when we discussed why you should create a YouTube channel.

Let’s say you have an instructional guide or tutorial on how to use a product that you published to your YouTube page. You can post that same video or snippets of that video to your other distribution channels.

Also share new content from your website. Post links to your most recently published posts.

In addition to posting content daily, it’s also important for you to respond to your customers. We’re referring to direct messages as well as comments. After all, 20% to 40% of consumerssay that when a company is responsive on social media, it will prompt them to make a purchase.

Give consumers a reason to follow you

In order to have a successful social media marketing strategy for your small business, you need to have lots of followers. Otherwise, nobody is going to see your content.

Once you’re able to grow your social following, it will be easier for you to convert your followers into customers.

That’s because consumers are more likely to buy from brandsthey follow on social media.

Here are some of the top reasons why people would be interested in following your small business on social media:

  • They’re curious about your products or services
  • You offer exclusive promotions
  • Your content is entertaining
  • They need to reach a customer service representative
  • You offered an incentive
  • Their friends or family follow your brand

So make sure your content is worth following. As you’ve seen, getting more followers will ultimately increase your chances of driving more sales.

So, run a contest. Promote flash sales and discounts.

Just don’t post too many promotions, or it will cause people to unfollow you. In fact, 81% of consumerssay they’ll unfollow brands that post too much promotional content.

There is a difference between posting daily and spamming your followers.

People don’t just want to see posts from your brand. If you’re posting several times per day, these posts will flood the timelines and homepages of your followers. Nobody wants to see that.

If you want to post content multiple times per day, consider sharing ephemeral content, which we’ll discuss in greater detail shortly.

Form relationships with social influencers

What if we told you there was a way for you to increase your social media presence without posting any content to your page?

Well, as we’re sure you were able to guess, this is definitely a possibility.

When people think of social influencers, they think of celebrities and athletes. But partnering with a celebrity probably won’t fit within the marketing budget of a small business.

However, influencer marketingis the fastest growing method for customer acquisition in the digital world.

So how can a small business afford to implement a strategy like this? You can find social influencers who are much more cost-efficient than a celebrity.

For example you can try partnering with micro influencers to increase your product credibility.

This type of influencer may not have millions of followers, but you can get them to post content about your brand for a few hundred dollars. You may even be able to get away with just offering them free products in exchange for a post about your brand.

This strategy is effective because micro influencers have stronger engagement metrics with their followers. That’s because they are just regular people.

An average citizen can’t relate to the lives of Kanye West and the Kardashians. But they can definitely relate to someone who has a regular job.

Consider searching for social influencers who live within the area or region of your small business. It’s more likely that their followers will be interested in supporting your brand.

Implement automation tools

We know what you’re thinking. Everything that we discussed so far sounds extremely time-consuming.

As a small business owner, you need to wear multiple hats throughout the day. Depending on the size of your business, you might be handling the majority of the company’s responsibilities.

Becoming a social media content manager wasn’t something you planned for, and it might feel as if there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to handle this.

Plus, hiring someone to take on these tasks can be expensive. That may not be something that your business can afford right now.

Fortunately, automation resources will solve this problem for you. Using an automation platform—some good examples are Buffer, Hootsuite, and Missinglettr—will allow you to schedule your posts in advance. You can take time once at the beginning of your week to set the dates and times for your posts in the future.

Another benefit of using an automation tool is the ability to respond to messages in a timely fashion.

Rather than having to check each social platform individually for these messages, you can find software that sends all messages to one inbox. Then you can reply directly from the software.

We highly recommend these tools for small business owners who feel they don’t have enough time to effectively manage their social media profiles.

Encourage user-generated content

This connects to our discussion about the type of content you should be posting.

You can’t go wrong by sharing contentthat encourages UGC.

How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media (3)

As you can see from these numbers, user-generated content has a direct correlation with the consumer buying decision.

UGC will also help you build brand awareness. Here’s why.

Let’s say you run a contest on Instagram where participants have to post pictures featuring them using one of your products.

Your small business just got exposed to a wider audience. Anyone who follows people who enter the contest will see your brand being promoted, even if those people don’t follow you.

UGC is a great way for you to get more followers and ultimately turn those new followers into buyers and generate referrals.

Take advantage of ephemeral content

Ephemeral content is different from a regular post. This type of content is only displayed for a short period of time, such as 24 hours.

The most common places where you’ll find ephemeral content for social media is on Instagram and Snapchat. Both of these platforms have a “story” feature.

We highly recommend using an Instagram story to promote your business.

We briefly mentioned this earlier when discussing how frequently you should post content.

If you want to post several times per day, do it on your story. This won’t spam the timelines of your followers.

If you haven’t used ephemeral content just yet, give it a try in your next promotion to see how it goes.

Broadcast live video streams

Small businesses can also benefit from broadcasting live video content on social media platforms.

Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram all have options to do this.

Basically, a live stream will boost your engagement metrics. It will also give you a more authentic interaction with your audience.

You can use your live broadcast in many different ways. But one of our favorites for small businesses is a behind the scenes look.

Show your followers what happens behind closed doors at your business. Give them a tour of your production facility, office, and introduce them to your staff.

This will make them feel as if they are seeing something that’s exclusive and ultimately bring them closer to your brand.

Live video is also a great distribution method for product demonstrations, events, or Q&A sessions.

Your live audience will be able to comment on your stream in real time. But make sure you acknowledge those comments and respond to your followers.


Your small business needs to use social media to stay relevant in today’s day and age.

Just having a Facebook profile alone is no longer acceptable if you want to maximize your social media marketing proficiency.

Create profiles on multiple platforms as long as your target audience is active on those channels. You also need to post content on a regular basis. Just make sure your posts are all related to your clearly established marketing goals.

Your profiles need to be appealing to consumers. Run campaigns designed to get more followers. To further extend your reach, find social influencers to promote your business and encourage user-generated content.

Additionally, don’t forget to add ephemeral content and live broadcasts to your social media marketing strategy and if you don’t have time to manage all your social media pages, consider using automation tools to make your life easier.

Follow the advice we’ve outlined in this guide, and it will bring the social media marketing strategy of your small business to the next level.

How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media (2024)


How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media? ›

Social media platforms allow users to spend time with more relevant content than traditional advertisem*nts; Making social ads more valuable because they are more likely to be seen by the people that matter most for a product or service. Social Media ads are being seen as one of the most effective tools in advertising.

How do you market your business on social media? ›

How to market your business on social media
  1. Identify your audience. ...
  2. Define your goals and KPIs. ...
  3. Allocate your resources wisely. ...
  4. Use multiple platforms. ...
  5. Post relevant content regularly. ...
  6. Interact with followers. ...
  7. Always maintain professionalism. ...
  8. Reflect your brand identity.

How can small businesses use social media effectively? ›

Here's a few tips to begin to develop your online presence and learn how to use social media for small business.
  1. Create a Social Media Plan. ...
  2. Speak to Your Target Audience. ...
  3. Focus on Building Relationships. ...
  4. Produce Quality Content.

How do you effectively market yourself on social media? ›

10 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand on Social Media
  1. Fully Update Your Social Media Accounts. ...
  2. Make Posting Easy with Social Media Apps. ...
  3. Regularly Share Content. ...
  4. Import Your Contacts. ...
  5. Keep Social Posts Positive & Engaging. ...
  6. Find & Join Groups. ...
  7. Keep Your Brand Voice, Image & Tone Consistent. ...
  8. Study Influencers.
Sep 14, 2021

How social media is effective in business marketing? ›

Social media platforms allow users to spend time with more relevant content than traditional advertisem*nts; Making social ads more valuable because they are more likely to be seen by the people that matter most for a product or service. Social Media ads are being seen as one of the most effective tools in advertising.

What makes a successful social media campaign? ›

Clear objectives: Define specific and measurable goals for your social media campaign. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales, having clear objectives helps guide your strategy and measure success.

How to market anything on social media in 500 words? ›

  1. Step1: Define Your Target Audience: ...
  2. Step2: Choose the Right Social Media Platforms: ...
  3. Step3: Create Engaging and Relevant Content: ...
  4. Step4: Utilize Influencer Marketing: ...
  5. Step5: Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC): ...
  6. Step6: Implement Social Media Advertising: ...
  7. Step7: Engage and Interact with Your Audience:
Jun 16, 2023

How do I brand myself? ›

Five Tips to Branding Yourself
  1. #1: Define your brand and become an expert. ...
  2. #2: Establish a presence. ...
  3. #3: Generate brand awareness through networking. ...
  4. #4: Remember the 3 Cs of branding. ...
  5. #5: Get feedback from those who know you best—at work, at home, anywhere.

What are 5 advantages of social media? ›

Top 10 Advantages of Social Media
  • Staying Connected. ...
  • Access to News and Current Events. ...
  • Platform for Personal Branding. ...
  • Business and Marketing Opportunity. ...
  • Convenience and Ease of Access. ...
  • Fosters Innovation and Learning. ...
  • Provides Entertainment. ...
  • Platform for Societal Change.
Jan 18, 2024

Why is social media marketing so powerful? ›

Social media platforms provide a powerful channel for reaching and engaging with a large audience, which can help increase brand awareness and recognition. Engaging with customers through social media channels can help build stronger relationships and foster customer loyalty.

How does social media help businesses grow? ›

Social media helps businesses learn about their target audience. The first and most obvious benefit of social media as a growth tool is identifying your target audience and learning about their needs, thoughts, opinions, desires and experiences.

How do you know if social media marketing is effective? ›

Monitor such information as:
  1. traffic volume metrics, such as the number of visits, page views and fans.
  2. engagement metrics, such as the number of comments, liked posts or favourited/shared tweets versus your page's total number of fans.
  3. competitive position (compare your engagement metrics to your competition's)

What are the 5 ways of social media marketing? ›

So here are 5 simple tips to up your social media game and successfully market your brand.
  • Create a Strategy. Each platform needs its strategy. ...
  • Be Consistent. ...
  • Create Engaging & Interesting Content. ...
  • Engagement. ...
  • Track and Analyze Metrics.
Mar 1, 2022

How much does social media marketing cost? ›

Average social media advertising pricing can cost anywhere from $15 to $200 per day to $450 to $6,000 per month to manage an account (paid to your agency or consultant), with monthly ad spend ranging from $200 to over $50,000 (paid to ad networks).

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.