Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Can my child/teen, under 17 years old stay, onboard unattended without supervision whilst I go ashore?

No. Parents are not allowed to leave their minor child(ren), under 17 years old, onboard without adult supervision or adult guardianship. Anyone under the age of 17 is a minor. A minor child/teen is not able to be a guardian for another minor/child. Parents found to have left their minor(s) unattended, are subject to fines, ship dismissal, and a legal investigation. Splash Academy is offered on port days for children 3-12 years old. Currently not being offered. Teens should accompany their parents ashore. Entourage opens an hour before departure.

How is my child identified within the Youth Programmes: Splash Academy: Sea Day, Port Play and Late Night Fun Zone?

Identification bracelets are issued to children ages 3 - 12 when registered for the youth programmes and worn for the entire cruise. The bracelet is colour-coordinated for each age group, and displays the child's safety muster station and any allergies. Medical conditions are coded privately for internal use.

Is one-on-one care or babysitting services provided for children?

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings does not provide one-on-one care or babysitting on any ship.

Does Splash Academy provide meals for the children?

Only on port days, depending on the arrival of the ship into port, Port Day Meals are offered and may include a combination of breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. The Port Day Meal fee of $6.00 USD per child/per meal, applies for the supervision of children during the scheduled meal times. Please check the activity programme onboard for the Port Play Mealtime slots. Splash Academy does not offer dinner service if the ship departs the port at 5:00pm or earlier, therefore, if your child was dropped off for afternoon lunch/port play, it is highly requested that you check on your child by 5:30pm as he/she may be hungry.

What is the Safety Assimilation Drill?

The Safety Assimilation Drill is a short safety drill and message conducted early in the sailing to allow for youth and staff in Splash Academy to be aware of the established processes in the unlikely event of an emergency. The youth do not leave the facility.

Can I or the authorised pick-up people, leave the ship on a port day whilst my child is in Splash Academy?

Yes, unless you are issued a handy phone or pager, which requires at least 1 authorised pick up person to remain onboard in case the staff or child needs your assistance. The Youth Programme Manager will enquire with the security team.

This policy is in place for the safety of your child. Pagers and handy phones do not work ashore from the ship.

Handy phones or pagers will be given out for the following reasons:

  • -If your child is in nappies
  • -If your child or staff needs your assistance beyond the scope of the youth programmes care provided

  • Youth Programme Manager reserves the right to issue a handy phone or pager to parents if the situation with the child requires parent/pick-up person assistance.

    If a handy phone or pager is issued to you and your child is signed into the programme, not responding to a page or call within 15 minutes will result in a $75.00 fee and your child will be dismissed from the programme.

    If a handy phone or pager is issued a fee of $150.00 will be applied to your onboard account if the device is not returned or if it is returned broken.

    Where do I drop off my 10 - 12 year old for their programme?

    Most drop offs will take place in the Splash Academy; however due to high counts the 10 - 12 year old programme may be in a different location. This is not meant to cause inconvenience as it allows us to take in more children.

    It is recommended that you check the Dolphins Programme for all drop off locations.

    Are there proper protocol guidelines for the teen passengers?

    Yes. Teens are always expected to be courteous and respectful. When entering Entourage, Teens should have their key card and wristband available/visible. Teens are also responsible for any personal items brought to activities and events. Teens participating in our programmes are prohibited from smoking, drinking alcohol and using profanity. Violence and vandalism will not be tolerated.l.

    It is highly encouraged that teens/parents discuss when they plan to attend Entourage. In addition, Parents should establish a plan to know where the teen will be when not in Entourage.

    There is a 1:00 a.m. curfew for all teenage guests. Teens must proceed to their staterooms unless they are accompanied by their parent/guardian. All crew members are instructed to report inappropriate behavior to Ship Security.

    For safety reasons, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings strongly discourages teens from travelling ashore alone in the ports of call.

    We like to travel and participate in activities as a family, what activities can I expect on board?

    Great family fun is offered throughout the cruise. Activities are subject to change per ship/itinerary but may include shipboard challenges, a circus show, movie night, sports competitions, scavenger hunts, dance parties, game show challenges and poolside challenges.

    Please remember that a parent or guardian is required to be present throughout the duration of the activity in order for the child to participate in designated Family Activities.

    Do my children have access to the internet and arcade?

    Yes. 24-hour Internet service and arcade games are available on the ship and are accessible with your stateroom key card. Fees are charged directly to your onboard account. Parents, if you do not wish for your child to have access, please visit the reception desk and deactivate your child's card.

    What fire and safety guidelines do youth programmes adhere to?

    Youth Programmes and Youth Programme facilities adhere to fire code safety and maximum occupancy* guidelines outlined per vessel based on Fire Safety Standard Code. In the event the facilities reach maximum occupancy, there could be delayed wait times for drop off.

    *Maximum Fire Code Capacity refers to the maximum number of children and staff allowed inside the Youth Facilities at any time to provide safety and prevent overcrowding. Splash Academy and Entourage staff are required to enforce the set limits and reserve the right to temporarily suspend drop off service to registered guests once the maximum capacity has been reached. Access to facilities will be granted once children/teens are signed -out or picked up and space becomes available. The service is available on a first come first served basis.

    What if my child/teen has an allergy or medical condition?

    Parents or guardians must alert the Youth Staff of any allergies, required medications or special needs of their child/teen when registering. If a child has a severe allergy and uses an epipen, the epipen must come with the child.

    The Youth Programme Manager has the right to issue a handy phone based if the need is determined.

    Youth Staff are not allowed to administer any medication to any child.

    It is recommended for parents to contact the access desk for any severe allergies, medical conditions or specials needs by calling (toll free) 0333 2412319 or by sending an email to

    What if my child/teen is not feeling well?

    If a child/teen of any age is not feeling well, he/she should visit the medical centre. Before returning to the programme, he/she must be cleared by the doctor. Please refer to Childhood Exclusion Policy that is posted outside all Youth Programme facilities. A standard medical centre charge may apply.

    What is the teen discipline policy?

    • Step 1: Verbal Warning - Teens exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be asked to stop immediately.
    • Step 2: Parent Notification - If the inappropriate behavior does not stop, parents will be notified and informed that if the behavior doesn't change, the teen will be dismissed for 24 hours or dismissal from the programme may occur, depending on the severity of the inappropriate action.
    • Step 3: 24-Hour Dismissal with Parent/Ship Notification - If the inappropriate behavior does not stop, he/she will be dismissed from the Entourage and Teen Programme for 24 hours. Parents and Ship Security will be notified

    IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL:: Any teenager passenger exhibiting violence, vandalism, vaping, or intoxication when participating in the Teen Programme or using Entourage, will result in immediate dismissal for the entire sailing. Parents and Ship Security will be notified.

    What is the Entourage safety and emergency information?

    In an unlikely event of an emergency, if teens are in Entourage, the Teen Counsellor will direct the teens to their Assembly Stations; however, teens are personally responsible for proceeding to their Assembly Stations. Parents should ensure that their teen(s) are familiar with their Assembly Station location number or letter. This information can be found on the guest key card and on the back of the stateroom door.

    For overall safety, parents are responsible for their children at all times, even when not present.

    What is the youth discipline policy for youth and teens?

    • Step 1: Verbal Warning - The Youth Counsellor addresses the child and it is explained that his/her behavior is unacceptable and needs to be improved immediately.
    • Step 2:Reflection Time - If the child continues to disobey the Youth Counsellor, a time out is issued and the parents are notified at pick-up time.
    • Step 3: Suspension - If a time out is not effective in eliminating the inappropriate behavior, the parents are located and the child is dismissed from the programme for 24 hours. The child is then welcomed back after the time frame noted.
    • Step 4: Dismissal - Once the child is allowed back into the programme after the initial dismissal, if any disobedient behavior continues, the child will no longer be allowed to participate. More severe behaviours may warrant a higher discipline as deemed appropriate by the Youth Programme Supervisor.

    What does Entourage have to offer teens 13 - 17 years old?

    Entourage combines the hang out zone, dance zone, game zone and party zone. The Teen Counsellors plan intriguing activities and challenges to keep the teens coming back for more. Activities and games may take place around the ship. Parents should know that the activities are hosted by the Teen Counsellors. However, when activities take place around the ship, Entourage may be unsupervised.

    What can my child pack to be prepared for the interactive activities and theme nights?

    For overall safety, children should pack and be expected to wear to closed toe sneakers when participating in activities at the Sports Court. In addition, children can decide to pack items that match with the common themes; but please know that items will also be created and made onboard for each theme for the children. We focus on creativity, self-expression, and engagement.

    5-9 year olds: Pirate, Superhero, Spy Night, Survivor, Make It To Mars, PJ Party, Glow

    10-12 year olds: Spy Night, Survivor, Hollywood, Dance Parties, Glow

    Is there a timetable of activities for Splash Academy and Entourage?

    Yes, detailed activity agendas are available on embarkation day which advertise the timetable of activities for Splash Academy and Entourage for each age group.

    Activities are flexible and subject to change. Entourage activities will be rescheduled (when possible) if there is no participation after the first 15 minutes of the scheduled activity.

    Activities are flexible, subject to change, and age groups could be combined. Entourage activities will be rescheduled (when possible) if there is no participation after the first 15 minutes of the scheduled activity.

    Will the youth staff contact me if my child is crying?

    Yes. Since Norwegian Cruise Line Youth Counsellors in Splash Academy are not able to provide one-on-one-care or babysitting, the parent(s) will be called to pick up their child after 15 minutes of continuous crying. The step process for care is as follows:

    • Step 1: Comfort the child
    • Step 2: Redirect the child
    • Step 3: If the child is still crying, the parent will be called. It is expected that the parent come to check on their child in person within 10 minutes of the call.

    Nursery Attendants on the Norwegian Escape will call the parents to check on their child after 10 minutes of continuous crying. The step process for care is as follows:

    • Step 1: Comfort and Redirect the child
    • Step 2: Check for nappy change, hunger, thirst
    • Step 3: If the child is still crying, the parent will be called. It is expected that the parent pick up within 10 minutes of the call.

    Can the youth staff assist my child in the washroom?

    Parents should be aware that Norwegian Cruise Line Youth Counsellors in Splash Academy on any ship are not able to assist children in the washrooms. This includes pulling up/down pants, buttoning/unbuttoning pants and/or wiping assistance. A pager or handy phone will be issued to alert you when your child needs assistance. Any parent or at least one authorised pick up person of a child needing assistance in the washroom and using the drop off service, on sea days or ports must be reachable and remain on board as papers and handy phones do not work ashore. A $75.00 USD fee will charged to the parent's onboard account and the child will be dismissed from programme if the authorised pick up people leave the ship and/or cannot be reached.

    What if my child is in nappies?

    Children must be fully potty trained to participate in Splash Academy. Splash Academy will not accept children in nappies of pull ups.

    How is my child identified in the youth programmes (Splash Academy: sea day, port play and late night)?

    Identification bracelets are issued to children ages 3 - 12 when registered for the youth programmes and worn for the entire cruise. The bracelet is colour coordinated for each age group, displays the child's safety muster station and any allergies. Medical conditions are coded privately for internal use. Please refer to FAQ Are there any fees I should be aware of?

    Is one-on-one care or are babysitting services provided for children?

    Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings does not provide one-on-one care or babysitting on any ship.

    How are the age groups divided on port days for Splash Academy?

    Temporarily not available

    On port days, children ages 3 - 12 are combined for programming from arrival into port until departure from port or 6:00 pm, whichever comes first. Please know that children under 12 are supervised when in Splash Academy.

    Note to parents:

    If parents go ashore, it is recommended to use the Splash Academy services for children under 12 year old. Parents should never leave their child(ren) unattended on the ship during a port day with no guardianship. Parents found to have left their minor (under 17) onboard with no guardian is subject to fines, ship dismissal, and a legal investigation.

    Who and how many can be authorised as drop-off and pick-up people?

    Parents or Primary Guardian(s) (if children are not travelling with their parents) may select a total of four (4) people (including themselves) to drop off/pick up their child(ren) from Splash Academy (Fleetwide).

    The authorised drop off and pick-up people are the same people and must be listed on the child's profile at the time of registration and must be 18 years of age or older..

    Are parents/guardians/adults allowed in Splash Academy and Entourage facilities?

    Splash Academy, and Entourage are adult free zones (18+) regardless of what programme is taking place.

    Parents/guardians/adults are only allowed in Splash Academy and Entourage facilities on embarkation day during the registration process.

    Any parent with a special needs child that would like additional information, please contact the access desk in advance of sailing by calling toll free 0333 2412319 or by sending an email to

    What is offered for 12 year olds who are almost teenagers?

    If a 12 year old is registered for Splash Academy, it is understood that 12 year olds need special attention and programmes; therefore the Dolphins Youth Counsellors offer more mature games/theme nights and timetable Entourage Take-Overs allowing the Dolphins to enjoy the lounge, video games, air hockey, foosball, music videos and much more.

    Can my child move up an age group if celebrating a birthday during the cruise?

    NCLH has a strict no age bumping policy, unless the children have a birthday during the cruise. The birthday policies for each age group are as follows with no exceptions:

  • - Children turning five (5) years old during the cruise are welcome to register for and participate in the 5-9 year old age group beginning embarkation evening.
  • - Children turning ten (10) years old during the cruise are welcome to register for and participate in the 10-12 year old age group beginning embarkation evening. Sign in and out privileges* only apply after the child turns 10 years old.
  • - Children turning thirteen (13) years old during the cruise are welcome to register for and participate in the Entourage Programme beginning embarkation evening.
  • - Children turning eighteen (18) years old during the cruise are legal adults and will not be able to continue participation in Entourage as of their birthday.
  • What is Flexible Programming?

    Flexible Programming allows for the children to choose their interest-based activity. There will many options for them to explore from Dynamic, Creative, Gaming, and Chill. They can choose one or they can choose all of them. The activities will vary per session.

    Will children in other age groups be able to play together during programme hours?

    Yes, although children are registered for and placed in the appropriate age group based on their date of birth at the time of sailing for quality programmes. For quality programmes, certain hours within the programme, called Feel Free Play, are designated for friends and siblings to play together. When Feel Free Play is not in session, children are placed in their appropriate age groups for programming. No exceptions will be made to age bump to a different age group.

    Please check the Splash Academy Activity Programme for the Feel Free Play activities and time slots.

    Can my child bring in electronics or personal items?

    It is not advised for a child to bring in electronics or personal items to Splash Academy. In the event the child does bring in an item, the child is fully responsible for the item if lost or damaged. In addition, whilst in programme, the device should be used on a limited basis as to not distract other children from the programme. We also reserve the right to remove the item in attempt to control shared content that may be inappropriate for all ages.

    What other fees should I be aware of?

    Overall, there are very few fees associated with the Youth Programmes.

    • Splash Academy Bracelet Reprint Fee: $5.00 USD
    • Splash Academy Late Pick Up Fee: $1.00 per minute.
    • Entourage Wristband Lost and/or Cut Replacement Fee: $20.00.

    What do I need to know about the 10 - 12 year old sea day sign out parent authorisation?

    Parents can allow their 10 - 12 year old to sign themselves out of Splash Academy after two hours of participation.

    It is recommended for parents to make the first initial drop off so the Youth Staff have the opportunity to meet you. In order to sign themselves in and out of the programme, the 10-12 year olds must have their key cards and their parents location.

    The authorisation ends nightly at 10:30 p.m. Therefore, at 10:30 p.m., the 10 -12 year old will be signed out from Splash Academy, unless the parent registers the child for Late Night Fun Zone.

    If the child does not wish to remain in Splash Academy for the two hours, the parent or another authorised pick up person or another authorised guardian can pick up the child at any time.

    Please refer to FAQ regarding authorised pick up people.

    The sign out authorisation does not apply on Port Days.

    It is recommended that parents decline the authorisation if they do not want their 10 - 12 year old unattended or if the child has a moderate to severe special need. It is also recommended for safety purposes, to establish a meet-up plan for 10-12 year olds who are given the sign out authorisation so you are aware of where they are when not in the programme.

    What are the hours of operation for the Splash Academy?

    Opening hours on Sea Days and Port Days whilst the ship is sailing are posted onboard the ship or via the Freestyle Daily.

    Do I have to pay for Splash Academy, Entourage or Late Night Fun Zone programmes on sea days and port days?

    Splash Academy and Entourage are complimentary and optional programmes.

    The programmes below are temporarily not available.

    Late Night Fun Zone is a group-sitting, drop off, fee-based service for children ages 3 - 12 years old. Late Night Fun Zone is run by the Youth Staff, inside Splash Academy. Late Night programming continues the theme throughout the evening.

    Late Night Fun Zone Hours of Operation
    Nightly: 10:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.

    Late Night Fun Zone Fees
    $6.00 USD per hour/per child, $4.00 USD per hour/per child siblings; Fees are charged to the guests onboard account. Late pick up fees will apply. Fees may differ during holidays.

    Parents are encouraged to register in advance. The Late Night fee is charged to your onboard account. Sign out authorisation for 10 - 12 year olds does not apply during Late Night Fun Zone. If there are no children registered or dropped off by 11:30 p.m., the youth centre will close for the evening.

    Refer to FAQs “Are there any fees I should be aware of?”

    How do I register my children for the youth programmes: Splash Academy, and Entourage?

    On all ships, for Splash Academy and Entourage, a one-time registration is to be completed by a parent or guardian (if child is not travelling with their parent) for each child/teen age 5 - 17. Children/teens can then participate as frequently as they choose. Norwegian requests that you let the Youth Staff know if your child has allergies, is taking any medications, or has any special needs by noting this on the Registration Form.

    Guppies Nursery is permanently closed on Norwegian Escape.

    What age groups does each youth programme cater to?

    6 months - under 3 years old

    3 - 12 years old

    Entourage: 13* - 17 years old

    *Age eligibility is based on the age of the child at the time of sailing, according to their birth certificate or passport reflected on the ships manifest.

  • - A child must be 3 years old to register for Splash Academy.
  • - A child must be 13 years old to register for Entourage. (Please refer to the birthday exception.)
  • - A child who turns 18 during the cruise is considered a legal adult and will not be able to continue participation in Entourage.

  • The minimum age eligible for Splash Academy is 3 years old at the time of sailing, based on the child's date of birth, according to their birth certificate or passport reflected on the ships manifest.

    **Refer to FAQ: What do I need to know about the 10-12 year old parent sign-out authorisation?

    What are Youth Programmes?

    Youth Programmes is the umbrella of programmes for children 3 to 17 years old which consists of:

    Family Activities: The Cruise and Youth teams offer an array of engaging family activities that brings everyone closer together. Bring your competition and A-Game for Beat Your Bed Time, Music Mania, Compete Opposites, and Family Dodgeball. Who will rule? The parents or the children?

    Guppies Open Play: For the littlest cruisers, the Guppies Open Play offers a play space for parents to interact with their infants/ babies/toddlers 6 months - 3 years old and/or children in nappies. Please refer to the onboard Guppies activity programme for the location, dates, and times. The timetable varies per ship and itinerary.

    Splash Academy: A drop off programme for children ages 3-12, fully potty trained (without nappies/pull ups), offering flexible programming, allowing children to explore and make their own interest-based choices throughout the sailing.

    Entourage is the teen hang out for 13 -17 year olds. Refer to Entourage FAQ What does Entourage have to offer teens 13 -17 years old?

    For Splash Academy, and Entourage, it is recommended that parents register their child(ren) and teen(s) as soon as they board the ship. Any Youth Counsellor on board the ship is available to assist.

    Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
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