Complaints about Electricity Supply in France (2024)

  1. Opening an Electricity Account in France
  2. Getting a New Electricity Supply
  3. French Electricity Tariffs
  4. Your French Electricity Bill
  5. Assistance with Payment of Electricity Bills
  6. Changing Your Electricity Supplier
  7. Complaints Procedures

7. Complaints About Your French Electricity Supply

If you wish to complain about the service you have received from EDF you need to take the complaint up with them in the first instance.

You can do so at Contact Form.

An English speaking advisor can also be contacted by telephone on 0033-(0)9 69 36 63 83.

You can also visit one of their local offices.

If you fail to get any joy then you should write to:

EDF Service ConsommateursTSA 2002141975 Blois CEDEX 9

The service are required to respond to your complaint with two months.

If matters remain unresolved you should send a complaint to:


You can make your complaint on-line.

The Médiateur should give their decision/recommendation within two months. Their decision is advisory only, so either party can choose to ignore it.

Nevertheless, the electricity supplier are required to inform the Médiateur within two months of the action they have taken on their recommendation.

Finally, if you still feel aggrieved you can write to:


Next: Index - Guide to Electricity Supply Services in France

Back: Changing Your Electricity Supplier

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Complaints about Electricity Supply in France (2024)
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