11 signs your interviewer wants to hire you (2024)

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Rachel Premack


11 signs your interviewer wants to hire you (1)

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr
  • Interviews can be nerve-wracking.
  • Luckily, there are signs that the hiring manager wants you on his or her team.
  • Look out for questions about your personal life or long-term goals, and especially friendly body language.

Nobody wants to wait days, or sometimes even weeks, to find out if the hiring manager was impressed by them in the interview.

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11 signs your interviewer wants to hire you (4)


So, here's some good news: You don't have to.

You just need to be observant of the hiring manger's body language and a few other dead giveaways,saidLynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of"Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job."

Here are 11 signs your interview may end with a job offer.

Jacquelyn Smith contributed to the original version of this post.


The interviewer uses positive body language

11 signs your interviewer wants to hire you (5)

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

"Look for strong, consistent eye contact, and whether they lean forward while speaking to you, versus having their arms folded or are leaning back," Taylor said. "A good sign is if they're smiling, laughing, and generally upbeat."

The discussion extends beyond what you had anticipated

"Often hiring managers budget in extra time in case the candidate excels, and they need to extend questioning or introduce you to other managers," Taylor explains. "So if you're there longer than you thought or were told the interview would last, that's a good sign."


Your interviewer is chatty

"If they seem to want to spend extra time to get to know you, or start opening up about themselves, you're getting a subtle thumbs up," Taylor continues.

They're not at all distracted

It's always a good sign when the hiring manager is ignoring typical distractions, such as people stopping by, phone calls, and text or email notifications. "If you have their undivided attention, and they listen carefully with pertinent follow-up questions, it means they're genuinely interested," she says.


The interviewer introduces you to others on the management team, and your would-be coworkers

"When hiring managers are keenly interested in you, they oftentimes want to get the opinions of others. That may include their peers, their bosses, and your peers," says Taylor.

It's an especially good sign if you're introduced to your prospective colleagues. This shows a deeper level of interest. While your prospective coworkers are evaluating you, too, managers are also allowing you to hear testimonials on how great it is to work there from a more "candid" perspective.

Your interviewer asks you questions about your long-term objectives

Does the manager speak about future growth opportunities? Do they show you the path to advancing and assuming greater responsibility over time? If so, this shows deeper interest in you and the potential for your future job satisfaction, which are all positive cues.


You're asked about your other job search opportunities or your availability

These are subtle signs that the hiring manager may not want to lose you. "If you're asked how early would be able to start the job, you might give yourself a pat on the back (once you're out of plain sight, of course)," says Taylor.

The interviewer speaks specifically about salary and other compensation

This tells you that your prospective boss is serious, and isn't wasting time. It also indicates that there may be fewer hurdles to getting the final offer (your boss may be in a position of power to decide on final salary without getting approvals of others).


They answer your questions thoughtfully and directly

This is always a good sign, she says.

"This is also your opportunity to ask questions that lead you to determine where you stand," says Taylor. "If, for example, the hiring manager answers your questions about growth opportunity with enthusiasm and specifics, then you are in effect being proactive about gathering data."

If you feel comfortable enough, you can be direct with your interview at the end of the discussion by asking, "Do you feel that based on our discussion I'm a good fit for this position? I am very interested in working here," Taylor says. "An important part of your arsenal during this process is in gauging responses all along the way."

At the end of the interview, the hiring manager offers positive information about the next step

Not all interviewers show their cards, but you know you're in good stead if they proactively tell you that they will be getting back to you soon, or wish to set up a second interview.


You get a firm handshake and smile on your way out

Maybe they're just friendly, or maybe they were really impressed by you. Many interested interviewers will be warm as you leave, will stay verbally engaged, and will walk you to the lobby.

"Just remember to stay upbeat and professional during the entire interview process — even if you're certain it's in the bag," Taylor says. "Many hiring managers will continue judging you even after the interview ends, so always follow up with a thank-you note."

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The signs of a potentially successful job interview are nuanced but crucial. As someone well-versed in hiring practices and the intricacies of professional interactions, these indicators align with the behavioral cues often exhibited by interviewers who are genuinely interested in a candidate. Lynn Taylor's insights here are valuable, reflecting a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play during interviews.

Let's break down the concepts touched upon in this article:

  1. Positive Body Language: Strong eye contact, leaning forward, smiling, and a generally upbeat demeanor signal a positive interaction.

  2. Extended Discussion: If the interview extends beyond the scheduled time, it indicates the interviewer's interest in the candidate's potential.

  3. Engagement and Chatty Behavior: A willingness to spend extra time to know the candidate and opening up personally suggests a favorable impression.

  4. Undivided Attention: Ignoring distractions and giving undivided attention shows genuine interest and consideration.

  5. Introduction to Others: Meeting prospective colleagues and management displays a deeper level of interest and involvement in the hiring decision.

  6. Long-term Objectives and Growth: Discussing future opportunities and growth within the company highlights a serious consideration of the candidate.

  7. Interest in Availability and Other Job Prospects: Inquiring about availability and other job opportunities indicates a desire not to lose a potentially good fit.

  8. Discussion on Salary and Compensation: Specific conversations about compensation signal seriousness and fewer hurdles in the hiring process.

  9. Direct and Thoughtful Responses to Questions: Thoughtful and direct responses indicate a positive evaluation and engagement.

  10. Positive Information on Next Steps: Proactive gestures about the next steps or scheduling another interview are good signs.

  11. Firm Handshake and Positive Departure: A warm departure with a firm handshake and engagement signifies potential interest.

Each of these cues contributes to the overall assessment of a successful interview, providing insights into the interviewer's perspective and the potential likelihood of a job offer.

11 signs your interviewer wants to hire you (2024)
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